Reviews for An Interesting Case
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 19 . 7/29
Nice little bonding here with Bates and Deeks. Well played. Fits in well IMO with the show. Bates always seemed to trust Deeks/had a connection with him that Deeks didn't have with others on the LAPD.
altarp2408 chapter 19 . 7/29
Deeks wondering how to get out of that, because even though his cover was precarious, that raid really was blowing his cover.

No wonder Bates takes care of Deeks as much as possible... bit of a

And now we have a clue to where the alias Max Gentry may have from... the need to be carrying in any situation. A really nice little back story for the genisis of that alias.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 18 . 7/25
I caught up but now I have to wait!

Funny parts there with Callen and the morbid questions.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 17 . 7/25
Nice to see Bates twig to the idea it might be Deeks without too much detail. Question is has he brought enough firepower to the party given how big Deeks' observations on the operation were.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 16 . 7/25
Hmm, I still think she's Hetty but now there's a niggle of doubt.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 15 . 7/25
I can imagine a younger Deeks being a touch overwhelmed with what he's fallen into.
I like the message from the team about back up and them being pissed off about the lack of support for Deeks. Glad it found it within the team itself.
Oh boy. I think Wilkes made a big mistake (in more ways than one).
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 14 . 7/25
Ganging up on him - definitely to be expected. Now let's see just how much trouble Deeks is in.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 13 . 7/25
I'll agree with the query on professional workplace! :-)

Love Hetty's comments and timing. Windows? More and more I'm thinking Hetty and little old lady are one and the same.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 12 . 7/25
That's a nasty cliffhanger - lucky I don't have to wait for the next chapter!
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 11 . 7/25
I wonder how long it took Bates to stop laughing once Deeks left his office. And gun shot reports? Must have been very loud bangs. I guess they were big balloons (assuming the bigger the balloon the louder the bang.)
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 10 . 7/25
I'm still inclined to think the old lady is Hetty. Guess I'd better keep reading and see.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 9 . 7/25
Seems Sam was okay after all, perhaps the idea of balloons as a weapon was distraction enough.

Now goldfish? Tell me you are going to write that sometime.

So the other question that pops up... has Callen actually read Harry Potter?
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 8 . 7/25
Oh no, poor Sam it was an actual clown!
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 7 . 7/25
Interesting look into Deeks' prep for a cover. He certainly puts a lot of effort into it.
LostForeverInHisEyes chapter 6 . 7/25
Sorry for being awol - life and writing got in the way. Let's see how far I can catch up today.

Still loving the interruptions and tangents - curious about Sam's four covers op though! ;-)

Question. Was Sam suggesting the party shop with desperate hope that Deeks' story doesn't involve clowns considering Sam really doesn't like them?
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