Reviews for To Go Beyond
Natalie Rushman chapter 4 . 6/25
Oh that last line! You wicked thing X) lol. I was kinda wondering what Loki was really up to on all his adventures, but I wasn't too concerned with it. Then you dropped that one little line there at the end and - yeah, that's over. What is he doing?!

I sound like I'm complaining - but I'm not. This is awesome. I like that little jog at the end. Keeps the suspense strong ;)

The dialogue in this is great. Hogun's line about wanting them to stop was funny. Frigga was amazing - loved her 'balancing the scales' X)

I'm wildly curious to see what happens next!
Natalie Rushman chapter 3 . 6/13
This is really interesting. Figures that they wouldn't just be able to REST. lol. I like the way you're doing this. The conflict is really interesting and believable. I'm really interested in where this story's headed!
Natalie Rushman chapter 2 . 5/26
I finally finished all my coursework for the semester and can catch up on all the updates I have in my inbox! You have no idea how excited I was to see this story pop up next on the list X)

This is a really interesting idea for a fic! I have no idea what you're planning to do with this, and I think that's a huge part of its charm. It's really nice to not be able to predict who's going to show up or what's going to happen. I don't seek out afterlife fics, but yours is really great. I love the nostalgic feel of it. I'm really excited to see what you've done so far!
Hazel chapter 3 . 4/1
Your writing is gorgeous. I hope you know that. The comparison of Thor's homesickness to aged wine, the description of his head breaking through the tree branches like a bird hatching from an egg, the descriptions of the landscape and of the fire and the shadows around it, the image of Loki's eyes overturning mountains and sifting through trees ... it's all so effective.

I also love the thought that their lives (our lives, please God) are needed to build something greater.

You have a terrific premise. Fix-its are good, but it's intriguing and different that you keep canon and reunite the brothers beyond death. Now, of course, something has to happen - specifically Loki. I do have sympathy for Loki, partially because the idea of Valhalla as I learned it in school struck me as unsatisfactory ( ... feast and fight, rinse and repeat forever - isn't there more?). I understand, too, his sense of loss, of unfinished business, of never having his time.

Of course, it's easy for me to feel that Loki did not get closure because I as a Loki fan did not get closure. And I don't remember any acknowledgment.

But my point is ... good work, and thank you.
hollyhobbit101 chapter 2 . 2/10
Your writing is literally so gorgeous I’m in love with it. Can’t wait to read more of this!
azureLuna11 chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
"At least you lost the bird helmet"
"My dear cow-horned brother"
"...Apart from growing out of that pixie cut"

This is why I love them so much hehe
I really loved the way you described Valhalla's oceans, the details were so good and beautiful. It makes me sad that the two were separated for over 2,000 years, but at least they're together now, they hugged, and they can finally have peace. Amazing job! *big thumbs up*
Natalie Rushman chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
Lol *waves back*

This is a promising beginning. Thor's 'what's new' made me laugh, though the discussion about the sandcastle takes the win as my favorite part X) So far, i can't tell what kind of story this is going to be, but Thor and Loki are together in it, so i'm happy. And you're writing it, so I'm sure it will be good ;)