Reviews for Rising of a Guardian
Poqqery chapter 8 . 8/27
As entertaining as this is so far, I have to point out that Latias (and the average latios, for that matter) is actually an extreme lightweight for her size; a typical latias only weighs in at 40 kg. That's much lighter than the average adult human—light enough for Ash alone to carry in short bursts if he had to.

I imagine the reason for her species' lightness is to increase manoeuvrability and ease of flight. You can come up with all sorts of headcanons for reasons and consequences, ranging from a very light frame for her size at the cost of physical durability—to whatever other reasons you want.

Whatever it is, I'm going to assume you've made Latias significantly heavier than her canon weight.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/24
Did the Brandon battle not happen Pikachu beat a regice aswell
CyberGuardian7 chapter 9 . 3/2
Hey man,

So I finally got around to the review! So I don't have any individual thoughts for particular chapters, but a lot of thoughts for the story as a whole!

So I'll start with the characters. First off: Latias. I like the passion and care you've given her personality! She wants so desperately to fulfill her role as a guardian as she cares for others and the tsunami event helped her realize what she may potentially be capable of! She is determined to do what she needs to do in order to achieve that goal.

Now, in some of the later chapters like 7-9 I think, some of the events of her past start to catch up with her and she seems like she may be dealing with a bit of PTSD or something. You were very descriptive of not only how she reacted to it, like how she locked up and froze, but also how she processed her thoughts and fears. I see this level of thought and detail throughout your story while also mixing it with some humorous moments like when Bonnie was embarrassing Latias in front of Ash.

Regarding Latios, I feel that he is definitely protective of his sister and seems to have a strong sense of justice if wanting to get the murderer taken care of as quickly as possible is any indication, but beyond that, there doesn't seem to be too much to his personality, but then, we haven't seen too much of him yet. I wonder how much more we will see of him going forward.

I did not expect Giratina to have the personality you gave her, much less be involved with Latios. That caught me completely off-guard, but was quite amusing! Does Latias or anyone else know about that?

I admit I was hoping to see Giratina find Latias quite quickly though after Latios requested Giratina find her, given her ability to look through any reflective object, such as the mirror Latias was using. One good example of this could have been a mirror shimmering and two red eyes appearing in the mirror after Latias left, just as an example.

As for Serena, it kinda feels like she was just inserted into the story for the sake of being there, but I felt that way when I saw her on the X & Y anime, so there really isn't much surprise there.

Regarding the story and plot as a whole, I do like how you've expressed Latias's frustration with not being able to train and the lengths she would go through to get some training. I'm very interested to see where this will end up long term and how she will be able to put that training to good use as well as how Ash's journey will go with him trying to train a legend while protecting her.

Lastly, I'm interested to see how Ash's Kalos journey will go with this new development of Ash having a legendary and the activities taking place as a result of that (like Latios trying to find Latias for example.)

Great story and I hope to read more soon!
Syrup-Waffle chapter 9 . 2/6
Hi Guz, I'm back again with a review of chapter 9! :)

Let's start off with talking about Latias' inner turmoil in this chapter. You gave it a lot of attention and personally, I commend you for that, because it gives a lot of growth and character development to Latias. The way how you handled it was quite decent too. You really portrayed the rage and swirling mix of emotions that was going through Latias at the moment. Her carelessness and reckless behaviour is really in character and making Noctowl her mentor in realizing what she needs to do in the end was pretty sweet.

However, I'm not really sure how you handled Ash's and Clemont's reaction towards it. Latias comes off as a bit pushy in this chapter and Bonnie is reflecting that. Especially when that storm comes around and they let Latias and Bonnie soak in said thunderstorm. ''Don't worry, Latias wouldn't hurt Bonnie.'' after nearly losing control and threatening to attack Ash. I'm sorry, but as an older brother myself, you feel really responsible for your younger sibling. Now it's like Latias and Bonnie are calling the shots. That's not how it works in reality. Clemont is Bonnie's caretaker and Ash is Latias' trainer, so in the end, they call the shots and not the other way around, but I digress.

Pikachu's part of the chapter is well written, but I'm not sure what it adds. Maybe it sets up a bit of team rocket's goals in this story, but you focused a lot on Meowth's interaction with Pikachu while Jessie and James were pushed more to the sidelines. I do admit reading how cramped up Pikachu was held made me slightly claustrophobic, so props for that.

Now the rest of the chapter was very nice. I really like Noctow's inclusion in this chapter as the wise mentor. You gave him a lot of character. Unfortunately, that couldn't be said for Serena this time around. She didn't do much. I'm noticing whenever Latias and Ash are talking, Bonnie gets the most dialogue alongside them. Then Clemont butts in every now and then but Serena isn't doing a lot. I know it's hard to juggle like 5 or 6 characters on screen at once, so it really isn't surprising.

In any case, I'm still curious where this story is headed exactly. You're creating a lot of subplots, but I'm not really seeing the big picture yet of Latias' goal of becoming stronger. The way how you set up Latios as an potential antagonist is nowhere to be seen now either. In short, your writing has improved a lot since chapter one, but the direction of the story is all over the place at the moment.

Good job this chapter, though. I hope we can discuss this story in broader detail soon so we can start some rewrites and potentially make this story even better than it is right now. :)

Syrup-Waffle chapter 8 . 1/15
Finally I got the chance to read chapter 8! Hi again, Guz, or should I call you Bugma from now on? ;) Here's my review!

Immediately, I am going to nitpick because I can: how is it possible to lose Bonnie while you have a legendary Pokémon in disguise at your side at all times? Bonnie really be using Teleport. :P

Also, I have to applaud you on how you are handling Serena's character so far and how you've portrayed Serena's and Latias' interactions. It's honestly very refreshing to see them acting as friends instead of rivals over Ash's affections. That having said, am I the only one who secretly wants this fic to turn into a Serena x Latias fic now? :P Let Ash be his dense self; these two girls can have fun together. XD

Ah, there they are, our lovely goons better know as the personal clowns of Team Rocket! I love how you gave Serena some characterization by being able to recognize that the clothes they were trying to sell were just a scam!

The only thing I disagree with in this chapter is the ending. Ash choosing Latias over Pikachu I can buy, but what is with this convoluted plan to drag a stunned Latias' off of the street? You know that Ash could've easily just returned her to her Pokéball, right? Especially amidst the chaos. And if he was afraid that Team Rocket might see, he could've still used Froakie's Smokescreen to block the action of returning her.

Anyway, other than that, your writing has improved massively! You're writing with a good bunch of detail in your paragraphs which makes it very easy to get immersed! I'm just wondering where you will be going with this story in the end. Because it seems you're planning on rewriting the entire Kalos league. That's going to be a challenge, especially since you're already 80k words in with just one gym leader covered.

In short, I really liked this chapter! Both how you did your characterization and the pace of it all! Keep up the good work and I'll see you next chapter.

kraftues chapter 9 . 1/14
Great, fun read :).
Guest chapter 9 . 1/12
Is this Altoshipping or Amourshipping?
Syrup-Waffle chapter 7 . 1/7
Hi, Guz! Here's my review for chapter seven:

I quite liked the structure of this chapter. It's generally three pretty clear and concise scenes which were written decently well. You've gotten pretty good at writing dialogue, so props for that! :)

So our first new character that's properly been introduced is Serena. It was inevitable, of course, but here she is. Her reason for joining Ash is kinda iffy in my opinion, but it works, I suppose. I'm just more so curious why you decided to make her join: did you do it to follow the canon or do you actually have a goal planned out for her? I'm asking because the story's protagonist is Latias and we know her goal. Adding more side-characters with goals of their own is going to make the story more challenging to write and way longer as well.

I like how you didn't make Latias instantly jealous of Serena but quite open-minded. It's pretty refreshing to read about. Also, Bonnie's teasings are cute and hilarious. I quite enjoy them!

Ash's reaction to Serena asking for his help feels a little awkward, but it works I guess. Just running away with Pikachu doesn't seem like how he would respond entirely, but it's a nitpick.

I love how most legendaries are basically just man-children bickering over a toy. XD That was pretty funny to read about! Also, I really adore Latios and Tina together. She's very good at teasing him. :P Also can I just mention that I view Tina as this experienced woman in her mid-thirties while Latios is the clueless nineteen year old teen she was able to woo? :3 Basically, he hit the jackpot with her. XD

Then the last scene. You actually did something very good here which I have to applaud you on, and that is giving Pikachu actual dialogue. You should've done that from the start! Way better than the: ''Pika Pikachu!'' dialogue.

All in all, it was a very good chapter. No big glaring things that stood out to me! Keep up the good work and I'll eagerly read chapter 8!

Syrup-Waffle chapter 6 . 1/5
Hi Guz! Here's my review for chapter six! :3

Overall pacing and dialogue quality was on par with chapter five, albeit it a little bit more cluttered here and there because of the different scenes you wrote in this chapter. I really liked it nonetheless!

The little beginning battle with Pikachu is a nice example how strong a trained Pokémon can be against a non-trained legendary. Although I'm not sure what Pikachu is talking about tying with a Victini in the past. Hasn't he canonically beaten a Regice and tied with a Latios in the past?

Nitpicking aside, it's good to read that Latias has trained a bit for her first battle! Also, good going Ash not telling it was a bug gym after Latias encountered an Ariados not too long ago. XD

I liked the little moment where Ash accidentally falls on top of Latias and Bonnie teases Latias about it. Although the topic became a little serious, in my opinion. Latias talking about exile and Ash living as an outcast to deter an 8 year old girl to stop joking around seems to go a little bit too far, but I digress.

The actual battle of the chapter is the heart, of course, and I have to say I enjoyed that a lot. I did see a déjà vu moment where Latias refuses to change into her Pokémon form and Viola getting a little exasperated until she does and is absolutely stunned. Where did I see that before? XD Overall, your descriptions in the battle scene were well thought out and intriguing! Very nice first battle.

And oh boy! We end with the introduction of Serena! I am very curious how this will go in the next chapter. :3

Good job on this chapter once more, Guz, though you have to learn to spell Ariados correctly in the future. ;) Can't wait to read the next one!

Syrup-Waffle chapter 5 . 1/3
Hi, Guz! Here's my review for chapter 5! :)

Let me just reiterate that I absolutely loved this chapter! This is a massive leap in quality from what you've shown before. There are barely any pacing issues in this chapter and you focus on just three scenes, which are written pretty well!

For starters, the amount of detail in your dialogue has gone up a lot, which really makes you immerse into the characters and the overall story. Remember that ''show, don't tell'' rule I explained to you? Well, you manage to follow that pretty well here!

The first scene about Latias revealing herself was decent. I'm not really sure I agree with the fact Ash is so trustworthy of Clemont and Bonnie by making them show Latias so soon. He has just met them, after all, so that's a bit questionable. Especially Latias opening up and so easily telling her biggest trauma to basically two strangers straight off the bet. I would've expected Latias to hold back a lot.

Also, what is your end game with the scar she received? I'm very curious about that.

The second scene is awesome. I love Noctowl as a wise mentor to Latias. I would've fleshed it out a bit to go some more into the exact details of her training, but it was very well written! You gave Noctowl a very distinct personality and I like that a lot! Good job on this one!

Then Latias' first battle! Can I just comment that I see a lot of parallels with my story where Latias battles Espeon? ;3 The only complaint I have is that you maybe revealed a little bit too many different strategies already for a friendly sparring session. Other than that, the battle is pretty decently written and was very entertaining!

Latias stealing Ash's hat has gotten to be the most adorable scene so far. More of this in the future, please! :D Also, I agree with Latias that she should get one of Ash's hats! That would be so adorable! 3 Her playful and teasing behaviour to get Ash to answer is something I enjoyed as well.

If I can just mention one flaw in this chapter, then it has to be Latias knowing Dragon Claw, Psychic and Protect. Tackle is fine, but the other three moves aren't. Why? Because the entirety of the story has been set up that Latias is weak, can't fight and that her brother gave her no training whatsoever. In her 4 years after the event, you clearly state she hasn't trained and gained any experience whatsoever either. Granted, she has a lot of power, but how does she know all these overpowered moves already?

Overall though, this was a very good chapter and I loved it a lot! I really hope to see this kind of quality going forwards! Well done, Guz! :3

Altoshipper chapter 9 . 12/31/2019
Good chapter as usual, the slow beggining of their relationship was nice, You are setting an antagonistic relationship beetween Clemont and Latias, i Hope the situation beetween the two to improve soon. On the other end the relationship beetween Latias and Bonnie is nice with their bantering.
I Hope the Pikachu rescue arc Will end Next chapter .
I Hope Ash Will not use Latias for all the gym.
Since You are already changing the Story, i Hope You Will give Serena more Pokémon
Will other characters appear from the Past, like former rival, companion or ash's Pokémon from a previous Journey?
Guest chapter 9 . 12/31/2019
Good chapter ae
Syrup-Waffle chapter 4 . 1/1
Hi Guz! I'm back for my review for chapter 4!

This was definitely the chapter! You focused on a lot of perspectives and scene here, going from Latios to Ash to Latias back to Ash and finally back to Latias again. I'd like to break down each and every scene in some way.

The first scene focuses on Latios and his realization that Latias left Alto Mare. I think you handled this scene well at the start. You have Latios look for her, growing steadily more worried, then reassuring himself only for Bianca to give him the big slap in his face. With the way how you set up Latios, I almost expected for him to become angry at Bianca for letting Latias go. The pacing was good in this scene and it was very enjoyable to read through.

I do, however, have one single complaint about this part and that's with the ending. Latios' entire character is built around the fact he's a protective brother; a very, very, protective brother. He realizes Latias has left Alto Mare, but instead of formulating a plan to get her back, he shrugs it off like it isn't a big deal. 'There are bigger things for him to worry about' is something you wrote at the end of that scene, or at least along of the lines of that. Like protecting the city, for example. I don't understand his reasoning whatsoever because his sister is clearly his biggest concern. He views her as weak and does everything in his power to make her live a carefree life, yet when she goes out in the big unknown he doesn't immediately go after her? That was highly out of character, in my opinion.

Then we switch to Ash being in Lumiose City. Quite frankly, the aftermath of the Garchomp disaster is a bit rushed. You write a big part of Ash wanting to tell everybody he's still alive and then Nurse Joy stopping him because she already handled the situation. Next up you write a big scene of Ash making up a blatant lie about his Zoroark saving him while you established there were multiple helicopters flying over the scene with live feed. Of course people saw that something invisible caught Ash out of the sky, but I digress. What I mean to say is that this scene could've skimmed down a lot to make it a lot tighter. The pacing was a bit rushed in some places and drawn out in others.

Then we have the multiple point of view switches between Ash and Latias while Latias gets attacked by an Ariados and a bunch of Spinarak. I like the set up and Ash's battle, as well as Ash and Latias' dialogue back in the Pokémon center. The pacing, however, lacks. It's so drawn out and the battle is so short in comparison that it feels it just needs a little something more spice for the reader to be able to keep their attention throughout.

All in all, I liked Ash and Latias' reunion! I really hope to see some character development for Latias and Latios, as well as Ash in the upcoming chapters! Until then! :3

Oragonking chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
Arceus is male, we already know that when we watch his movie.
Syrup-Waffle chapter 3 . 12/31/2019
So I'm back again for chapter 3! Here's my review:

Overall, I liked the chapter. We're finally introduced to Ash and we see you immediately try to give him character development by making him think. That's of course improvement from what we see in the anime. XD I like your way of describing Lumiose City! You managed to put in quite some details, which I appreciate!

The scene with Misty was a little bit rushed. I liked how you made Latias and Misty interact. The teasing was pretty adorable and got a good chuckle out of me. Misty immediately recognizing Latias and not acting surprised was a bit out of character. Other than that, I liked it.

The scenes with Ash calming down the Mega Garchomp would've been more interesting if it had some twists in them. Most readers know the scene by heart from the anime. I think you could've expanded upon it a little more to give it some flare.

The last two scenes were heart-warming and also pretty good. I like the conflict in Latias when she finally meets up with Ash again. Though I stay with my point that this would've been more impactful if it was told entirely from Latias' POV.

Overall, a good chapter, but what makes it weaker than the last two is the lack of pacing and the big Garchomp scene. Other than that, I think you did a good job and I'm very curious what chapter 4 will entail!

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