Reviews for The One Before They Become Mondler
xmsbehavex chapter 38 . 6/9
That was great.. Totally believable and true to characters' voices.
raymond chapter 2 . 5/19
soooo cute !
CamilleCM chapter 38 . 5/10
This is one my favorite chapters! I love the emotional depth and honesty of their talk, on how Ross and Rachel affected them personally and not just as a group, and you’ve really highlighted that. I love his predictions, and even the bitterness of going back to smoking, and I never thought about it but romance overall was taking a hit on the show at that time ... Just wonderful writing.
CamilleCM chapter 37 . 5/10
Okay, Chandler pretending to be Monica’s boyfriend HAD to happen once at least in a ten year old friendship surely? I love this trope and I love your take on it. Chandler would be protective but also thrilled and tease her endlessly about it. Loved it.
matteney chapter 38 . 5/10
Quite a whirlwind of emotions going from the previous chapter straight to this one. Heartbreaking how the Ross and Rachel break-up hit them all so hard, but you portrayed it really well. Of course the sweet moments between Chandler and Monica comforting each other were the highlight of this chapter. It's sad he still felt the need to smoke in the end, but knowing he won't in the future when he's with Monica is enough satisfaction.
matteney chapter 37 . 5/10
This was so so great! I do love the Pretend Boyfriend scheme for PreMondler and this version was just brilliant. I loved the whole setting and could so picture them being in this bar and shooting some pool. For a second I was sure that Chandler would grab her ass, haha! You definitely had some amazing chemistry and tension between them!
Babatomyfriends chapter 38 . 5/9
Aw, Chandler and the cigarettes. This feels so right. Of course Monica couldn't keep him from them, but distract him for a while, sure. Chandler's joke about Joey's and Phoebe's love stories cracked me up. Such a great sweet chapter again!
Lilkat1234 chapter 38 . 5/9
Aww this was such a cute chapter. The two of them enjoying each others company in the barcalounger is some of the cutest pre-mondler moments. His arm draped around her is so intimate and at the same time they make it work.
Monica and Chandler are not Ross and Rachel, they will never have that drama. Ross and Rachels love is puppy love, a high school fantasy. Monica and Chandler on the other hand share a mutual respect for each other.
Monicas view on a great love story comes up when Ross dates Emily but she will soon realize other things are much more important. Her love story is the greatest of them all
Guest chapter 33 . 5/9
wow!that's so great! I really like what you write! !you are so so so great I love you! !
Lilkat1234 chapter 37 . 5/7
Although the muscular exterior Monicas suitor is not the guy for her. There are too many creepy guys like that out there!
The fake boyfriend/girlfriend is a classic one so I'm happy you did this chapter, the two of them acting like a couple worked so well. Monica playing with his tie is such an easy yet flirty way of working your man. Chandler checking out her body when she's bent over the pool table was genius too.
The last line, perfect! But of course we all know he would be the best thing that happened to her too.
Babatomyfriends chapter 37 . 5/7
Somehow I've been waiting for the 'fake boy/girlfriend' theme where they rescue each other from situations like these, and the way you deal with this here is so great and hilarious too. I love their banter and the way they play pool, such a great expansion on the bit we saw in TOW the flashbacks. Great update again!
Charlie Merrit chapter 20 . 5/2
I've been enjoying all of these but this one was special. It's not often that fanfic makes me retcon the show in my head, but this chapter takes a smart angle to Chandler's 'boyfriend material' pestering of Monica over the weekend, clowning himself to keep her distracted from her last break-up, that I'd never considered. In fact, it even made me reconsider the rest of his behavior throughout the show and realize that he often uses humor as a coping mechanism not just for himself, but for others. Nicely done.
CamilleCM chapter 36 . 4/14
Like some others, reading about Chandler and Monica's sexcapades with other people is hardly my favorite thing, but I realize it's character oriented and relationship building, so of course I love the headcanon that they popped out in each other's dreams and fantasies after the Seven lesson. I am on board with that!
matteney chapter 36 . 4/8
That was quite... something. I have to admit reading the intimate details with Kathy almost made me puke a little (I never had anything against her tbhI think it’s cos I only ever want to picture Mondler together in those sexual scenarios). But the fact that they both were thinking about each other, yeah that was great. I liked that this chapter kind of crossed the line a little.
matteney chapter 35 . 4/7
That was so brilliantly executed! The way they both went to their childhood homes and didn’t feel at home there at all, but rather with each other. I love the idea of them going to a game together and it’s so adorable how Monica steals Chandler’s jacket and cares about his health. They really are like an old married couple already.
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