Reviews for Village Of The Tooned
J. Tom chapter 12 . 5/18/2019
I must say, I really liked this story. Intense and unforgettable moments like this always make me continue reading. Hope there will be a sequel! Hmm... wonder what Dot and Slappy see in Mindy at the end...
pokemaster101 chapter 12 . 4/18/2019
Oh my god. This is not what I pictured would happen.

I do feel bad for Smakko, though.

Reggie Jackson chapter 12 . 4/17/2019
Whoa! I have to admit this is pretty chilling. It's not often I read horror, so to come across this in the Animaniacs section was very surprising.

Despite the story being very creepy and morbid, the story still managed to bring some good laughs. Slappy is the one that really brought most of them.

One thing I will say is that the pacing felt a little rushed near the end. Would have been nice to see more of what happened to everyone else in the aftermath.
Some scenes could have benefited from adding a tad more description.
Also wish there were a few more scenes with Dot and Smakko. They really seemed to have this interesting bond, that I felt deserved more attention..
Overall, I liked it.

If you are still in contact with the original writer, let him/her know they created a unique but captivating story.