Reviews for Deep Beneath the Light
selene344 chapter 45 . 6/18
Beautiful read, thank you. 3
HellCutePanda chapter 45 . 6/1
So great. In character. Consistent story and actions. Loved it.
Lady Red Buck chapter 36 . 5/10
We're gaining momentum! I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster ride and you're going up, up, up, and the drop is almost there! Exciting stuff! Time to take down papa snoke!
Lady Red Buck chapter 35 . 5/10
Um yes! It was perfectly written! You are a wizard! Honestly I don't even know what else to say- it was so tastefully done. Passionate, sexy, but also loving and tender. You are an amazing writer!
Lady Red Buck chapter 34 . 5/9
One of the things I like about this story is how you've sprinkled bits of movie dialogue in here (like "can you put on a cowl" and Rey to luke "you are not busy"). Doing this really ties the fanfic back to the films and creates a very convincing narrative. I think you do that brilliantly!
Lady Red Buck chapter 33 . 5/9
There's just enough turmoil/conflict here to keep the story moving, but also makes me nervous/keeps me on the edge of my seat! I hate it and love it at the same time! (Only hate cuz, you know, I want em to be together alreadyyyy, but love it because what would a story be without a lil drama!)
Lady Red Buck chapter 32 . 5/9
Good chapter! I know I'm close to the end of this story, and I'm happy to see none of the characters are being rushed along (personality wise I guess). They're all still growing. Looking forward to the next one.
Lady Red Buck chapter 31 . 5/9
Very good chapter for OBVIOUS reasons! Lol. I think it was done so tastefully too! Just enough sexiness, awkwardness, passion, and innocence. Bravo! You wrote exactly as it ought to be wrote!
Lady Red Buck chapter 29 . 5/9
Ooh, I loved this chapter! The emotions are so raw, and done so well. It's so hard to write passionate characters without taking it too far, or making it cringey. You've really got it figured out!
Lady Red Buck chapter 28 . 5/9
No, sad chapter :( that dirty old snoke, that crusty b!tch is always ruining things. Great chapter! Seeing more character development, watching Ben almost slide back a little. There's a great balance here!
Lady Red Buck chapter 27 . 5/9
Some great father/son moments in here. Love to see them interact, we didn't get to at all in the movies! Also, really like the way snoke is being incorporated in all this. I think you've written him so we'll!
Lady Red Buck chapter 26 . 5/8
Yeeeeeesssss. I love it. I love it so much. Great chapter. I really love the way you've written Luke. I feel that's another character authors can get wrong and you've done him so we'll. Exactly as I picture him.
Lady Red Buck chapter 25 . 5/8
Hey! Maz! Love having her in this chapter for a bit! Again, excellent writing and an enjoyable read. I feel like you've done well balancing the atmosphere from chapter to chapter. Lots of reylo fanfics tend to be passionate (in a cringey/annoying way) or way too dark. I don't feel like this story is weighed down one way or the other, but perfectly balanced with just enough light and just enough dark.
Lady Red Buck chapter 24 . 5/8
I love it! ️ I know I should stop reading for today (save some more chapters for the next couple days) but I have no self control and I will continue to indulge! Lol!
Lady Red Buck chapter 22 . 5/8
I'm not gonna lie I smiled so hard when they hugged! Lol. I really FEEL the writing in this. Like I can feel the emotions, the energy, it affects me, you know? That's a crazy ability to have as an author! To be able to draw your readers in like that.
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