Reviews for EraserMic - The Way I Behaved
Eraserhead fan chapter 36 . 4/28
I laughed, I cried, I wanted to smush their stupid faces together. Great job!
Guest chapter 36 . 4/4
It is currently 1am and I just finished this book after starting this morning. I cried more times today than I usually do in a week (I cry a lot). This is one of the best things I’ve ever read, and if it were a bestselling book novel thing I wouldn’t be surprised. You are an amazing write and I hope you do more writing in the future, I’ll be waiting for when I see one of your books on the shelves.
CJ chapter 36 . 3/28
this whole entire story made me cry. none of this has ever happened to me before, but i kept having flashbacks of different things relating to what the characters were saying. i cried so many times, it took me 3 days to read it, and last night, i cried so much i got a headache. not many things can take me to that point of self wallow, but you managed to do it. this made me very VERY happy in the end, and i thank you for that. it put me through a lot of pain, but here i am. you will become a EXCELLENT writer, even if it is just for fanfiction. your story helped me get all of the tears i've had piled up for over 3 months out, and i feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. thank you, again. we might not know each other, but i feel like you were my therapist because of this.
StarviewSkies chapter 5 . 2/1
I’m not even finished with this story and I’m already hooked. This is such an amazing fanfic, I genuinely believe it could be an actual book or something one day. I love it.
They’re all in character and the storyline is easy to follow, and just generally amazing.
I can’t express how frustrating it is to not be able to find a good fanfic writer these days.
Well, I think I just found one.
If, dear author, you’re still on FanFiction and happen to see this, I want to talk to you about the possibility of making this into a comic. I can’t promise it, but I’d like to try.
My Pinterest is S_Starview and I’ve got some of my drawings on there, and if you’re interested you can PM me there as well.
Jay chapter 36 . 1/21
I loved this! I only cried a few times that was good. I have a question the scene where Aizawa and Hizashi are fighting could a recreate that into Bad Guy music video? Loved the storythanks
z chapter 36 . 12/29/2019
HairoOokami chapter 36 . 9/19/2019
I really loved your fiction can’t wait to read other erasermic :p
AkimiiTheWriter chapter 36 . 8/15/2019
I will be very honest with you, Author, and I'm gonna say that I've been searching for good fics in this fandom for longer than you can imagine, and this was by far the BEST fic I've read. I tip my hat to you, really.

Everything about this story seemed on point. Shouta's and Hizashi's personalities were perfectly written into this piece, even if twisting them a little bit to fit the plot. I love how you used Nemuri in the story too, make her Shouta's friend instead of Hizashi's, this little detail pushing important buttons in the future;
Shinsou too was something that surprised me. Usually people tend to think that he's Aizawa's reflection, but I love how you made Shouta see HIZASHI in Shinsou. That was just SO CLEVER for a Villain Mic fic. And I loved it.

The feelings put into the work made me cry twice, once in sadness and once in joy. It was just so good and so well-built.
I'm really looking forward to reading more of your work (and I'm already on the last chapter of Violent Delights, yay!), Author.

Thanks for writing this masterpiece. It really made me so happy.
I hope you'll make other people happy with your wonderful stories too.

- Akimii.
FanficTraveler chapter 36 . 8/2/2019
Now THAT is one of the best fanfic i've ever read. It was amazing. I felt so much emotions throught that story. I hope you keep writing beacause you are just amazing!
Queenbookerly chapter 36 . 6/29/2019
Well fuck
yaoi4adollar chapter 36 . 6/22/2019
That was an amazing story. So well written and great development. Loved loved loved it.
Will plan to read more of your stories and also your amazon book.
Keep writing. You are amazing at it
VictoriaTerror chapter 36 . 6/20/2019
Wow, just wow, after all this time they final get their happily ever after. Took awhile but they got it. Amazing story and I cannot wait till you start writing some more Mic and eraser. Until then.
Violent Healer chapter 36 . 6/20/2019
...I can't believe it's over...
This was the most beautiful story ever; an absolute gem. You really did our boys justice with this. The highs and lows were perfect. The way everything wrapped up was PERFECT. I'm sad it's over, but this was a wonderful ending to an incredible journey.
Continue to misbehave.
Treecko360 chapter 35 . 6/18/2019
Violent Healer chapter 35 . 6/18/2019
Ok I'm literally sitting in the lunchroom at work tearing up and holding my mouth shut so I don't start sobbing... THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL IT WAS THE PERFECT REUNION AND MY GOD I CAN'T STOP
This was perfection. The perfect way to bring their old and new lives together. I'm stunned and completely appreciative.
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