Reviews for The Last of the Dragons
Usama Ahmed chapter 3 . 9/14
Definitely will be following this fic, so far its decently written with sensible characterizations/interactions and I'm interested in how the plot will progress. Will it be more inclined to political element or fantasy like WW, dragons and whatever whit euron comes up with, perhaps it will be a mixtures of both considering this asoiaf.
M chapter 3 . 9/12
As King Aegon can order the Dornish to remain and for a King's Sworn Swords Unit ! He should do so publically and at once ! Also he needs to get another Regent to replace his mother.! And it should be soon.! A betrothal to Margery of House Tyrell annd the presance of Lord Willas of House Tyrell as a member of the Council would be a goid idea.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/12
Yep, Elia murdered by Pycelle on orders fron Tywin of course. Aegon nedds to take a hand soon if he wants to survive Visy and Tywin.! Please have Pycelle die in his sleep asap.!
M chapter 1 . 9/12
I am guessing here, Tywin wants Visy to marry Cersi and once Queen Elia is dead, her son will be next so that a Lannister Queen may sit beside a King Tywin believes he can control.! How did Tywin get to be Hand anyway ? After refusing to take the field for the King I should think he'd be in disgrace !? chapter 3 . 8/28
very interesting story looking forward to the next chapter.
I hope that in your story there are several types of dragon I think that for Aegon it would be a sea dragon while for Jon it would be an ice dragon, but for the rest of the family it would be normal dragons or land dragons (Draken), just the inclusion of a sea dragon looks great for this rebellion xD.
I hope your story includes a lot of magic maybe Bloodraven appearing as a three-eyed raven and scaring the court xD
Tertius711 chapter 3 . 8/27
Tywin has an angle I’m sure but one that can be dealt with. Marry Myrcella to Aegon and Rhaenys to Wilas and House Targaryen secures the loyalty of two Great Houses. Daenerys as well could be married off to a Great House. I don’t recommend marrying Jon and Viserys off to powerful houses. Too risky. Lower tier houses would work.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/27
Love your story
Tom2011 chapter 3 . 8/25
I definitely enjoyed it. )
Donny Donuts chapter 1 . 8/25
Why is Jon named Jon in this and not a Targaryen name? That doesn't make any sense. He shouldn't be named Jon that's for sure. Even if Rhaegar is dead, Dayne and Whent were with Rhaegar and Lyanna and would know the truth whether they were married or not so it doesn't make any sense that Jon doesn't know if he's true born or not.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/17
Nice to see this updated. Hope to see more very soon. You can plot the terminal decline of Game of Thrones on a linear graph. The first three season are some of the best television out there. Season Four was good, but not great. Five was dogshit, and it was all downhill from there as the show moved further away from the original source material and as GRRM's influence on the show was gradually minimized. I mean, the last three seasons are nothing but really shitty fanfiction. I know that may sound ironic, given the website I'm posting this on, but when I compare GOT to fanfiction I'm talking about bottom-of-the-gutter tripe that no one in their right mind would bother dropping a comment for.

I can see this becoming a series of one-shots covering the life and reign of King Aegon the Sixth. Maybe the next chapter or two can cover the plots and intrigues surrounding the boy king trapped under the paw of the Old Lion. Viserys might be wed off to Cersei to further solidify Lannister influence on the Iron Throne. Each of Aegon's regents and Small Council purging one another for personal gain and trying to marry the dragonking into their own family.

Obviously, Aegon will reach his majority and his most pressing challenge will be to rid himself of Tywin Lannister once he is ready to assume his birthright. Then comes the matter of selecting a queen, Rhaenys is the obvious choice being the king's full sister. Or, perhaps Aegon will be enticed by the otherworldly Daenerys and her growing fixation on dragons and the bygone glory of House Targaryen. Imagine a dragonking with living dragons, it would certainly make his life easier in the tumultuous Seven Kingdoms, where peace gives way to war at the drop of a groat.

Regardless, King Aegon himself might be happy with his wife, she may even be the great love of his life (or not), but King Aegon is still a man with all a man's needs. These needs one woman might not be able to satisfy, but Aegon should take care lest he leave a trail of bastards in his wake. The Targaryens have such a poor history with their byblows.

Beyond his city, the Seven Kingdoms and the rest of the great wide world stretch restlessly, filled with dangers real and potential. To the west, beyond the shores of the Sunset Sea, are the Iron Islands; a pile of meager, windswept rocks sitting at the edge of the world. The Ironborn, as the people of these islands call themselves, have ever been the most wayward subjects of the Iron Throne. In the sixth year of Aegon's reign, Lord Balon Greyjoy rose in rebellion against the child king and was only put down with some difficulty by Lord Regent Lannister. Now, Tywin Lannister is gone from power, and the green summerboy King Aegon stands in his place.

Though he has been dead for many years now, Robert Baratheon's terrible shadow still darkens the Seven Kingdoms even this long after the end of his rebellion. All the realm stands loyal to the Targaryen Dynasty, but one part in name only. The North chafes under the dragon's yoke more than anywhere else, no one beyond the Moat Cailin has ever forgiven the abduction, rape, and impregnation of Lyanna Stark by Rhaegar Targaryen. Lord Stark must suffer both his heir and his nephew held hostage in the Red Keep for his good behavior. If the Iron Throne has any cause to doubt Winterfell's loyalty and obeisance, then the King's Justice will fall swiftly on young Robb Stark's neck.

East across the Narrow Sea is the land of Essos, from whence the races Men first came. Since the Doom of Valyria, the cities of Essos have employed mercenary companies to fight petty wars against each other for dominance. From time to time, the Iron Throne has taken an interest in the affairs of the Free Cities, supporting one faction against the other wherever and whenever is suits royal interests. For most of the past century Essos has been a thorn in the Iron Throne's side, the Free Cities were the shelter of the Blackfyre pretenders, Targaryen bastards who attempted to wrest the Iron Throne from their trueborn kinsmen.

To the far north, beyond the Wall, is the untamed wilderness of the Wildlings. A people even more fierce than the First Men of the North, the Wildlings have no kings and no laws. They spend their short lives, nasty and brutish as they are, fighting each other over anything and everything from food and gold, to wives and honor. Now, the Wildlings have chosen a king from among their own to lead them, and disturbing rumors creep down the Kingsroad and dark whispers from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea infest the ports of Seven Kingdoms. The dead rising from where they fall and attacking the living, strange lights glimpsed in the Haunted Forest and on the icy shoulders of the Frostfang Mountains. The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch reports that half of his rangers have gone missing in the last three years. The ones that do return say that the Wildlings have disappeared, their rude villages abandoned, and that the forests are devoid of all beasts. Something is stirring beyond the world of Men, an evil too terrible to comprehend, too horrifying to speak aloud. The Others, dread abominations of the Long Night, are returned at last after all these millennia.
InDeathWeLaugh chapter 2 . 4/27
Interesting story so far, but my blood boils at how Elia of all people would be fond of Rhaegar. I u understand the Kingsguard, but Elia suffered directly because of Rhaegars actions. Not to mention the humiliation of being passed over while six months pregnant with Rhaegars god damn kid at Harrenhall in favor of Lyanna. Like come on, that is a shit move no matter how you look at it.

I also like how Visery's is still very much bitter. His mother's death must have hit hard. Alas poor Jon is still just resigned the fate of a bastard. I also enjoy the beginning and how you didnt demonize Robert, though claiming Jon started the Rebellion is interesting to say the least. He protected his sons from clear injustice. But this is Barristan were talking about, his loyalty is absolute.

Look forward to read more enjoy Aegon
timijaf chapter 2 . 4/26
Great chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26
An excellent story. And yeah, Jon being a bastard makes sense in book canon and Ned doesn't think positively of Rhaegar compared to Robert even if some commenters say so..all he does is wonder if Rhaegar would have gone to brothels. He just doesn't think of Rhaegar, nor Aerys, and he clearly thinks some aspect of Rhaegar and Lyanna was wrong as he says "her wolf blood lead her to an early death" which implies he thinks she partially brought on her fate. Polygamy hadn't been practiced by Maegor the Cruel, and even then the seven didn't accept his wife. Elia had given Rhaegar a son and a daughter, and it's clear by the book canon laws you can't annul a marriage unless the woman agrees to go to a Sept or the silent sisters in that situation.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/25
There’s no way that Jon is a bastard.

I don’t know why fanfic authors want us to believe that Rhaegar was so deranged by ideas of prophecy that he would rape Lyanna or that Lyanna would somehow be so in love that she’d consent without marriage; we have her own thoughts on that where she says to Ned about Robert already having fathered bastards.

Lyanna might have been young and wild but she still would know better, that she’d never see her family ever again and her child would be scorned if she wasn’t married to Rhaegar first. Even Ned in canon never thinks anything bad about Rhaegar, in fact he thinks him favourable when comparing him to Robert and sleeping with women other than his wife. If Lyanna had Rhaegar’s child outside marriage, Ned wouldn’t think well of him, as he would blame Rhaegar.

Why would Viserys still have delusions about Aerys? It would be well known and as part of his lessons he would be taught the truth, including the reasons why Ned raised his banners, so Aegon believing anything out of his mouth is ridiculous.
WarBerserk chapter 2 . 4/25
I have just one question is Jon a bastard in name only because some people wish to see him as such? And not wish to recognize that his parents were married. Or that Jon is a bastard because his parents did not have time or could find suitable place or persons to preform the marriage?
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