Reviews for Everything I Do
Coastal Records chapter 1 . 4/6/2019
It's kind of scary how near canon this story could be. I mean, Kreese instilling into their heads that the weak can't be attacked really sets in when you think how many times Johnny decided to defend the weak later on. (Defended Miguel, reprimanded Miguel and Hawk for attacking Robby, and never attacked someone without them picking a fight with him)

Plus, the only reason Johnny picked on Daniel wasn't that he was weak, it was because he hated him, so this really is handled well.

Helen and Dutch seem to have a really well fleshed out dynamic. Jimmy pointing out that she's a 'valkyrie' should've raised an eyebrow from his boy Dutch. It's the 80s, wouldn't he be considered a nerd instantly?

Anyways, I'm hoping to see how Helen and Dutch eventually end up together, and this did a great job portraying the classic 'hate at first sight' type of romance.

As the old saying goes in fanfiction, keep it up!

(PS please check out my new one shot I'm about to release)