Reviews for A Witch in Gotham
Erica18 chapter 52 . 7/21
Continue por favor.
Stille und regen chapter 52 . 5/31
oh my god, you made me anxious
Stille und regen chapter 51 . 5/31
oh, I have that feeling when you finish a very perfect book and ask yourself "why did I read so fast" or "I can't believe it's over"
it was a great story, with great mysteries and I loved each one
I'm sad and happy
thanks for writing such a great and incredible story and sharing

it was an intense and incredible journey
Stille und regen chapter 49 . 5/31
you know how to write a drama, huh? I like it very much.

again, rachel ugh
Stille und regen chapter 46 . 5/31
Rachel ugh

I love their phrase "hello kettle, I'm a pot"

I love the kiss he places on her shoulder

they are sweet, i am smiling

I figured they would like to travel across the orient on their honeymoon
Stille und regen chapter 45 . 5/31
Oh, that was sweet, i love your romance
you write perfectly, thank you
Stille und regen chapter 43 . 5/31
provocative zabini, lmao
it was all very interesting
Stille und regen chapter 41 . 5/30
Stille und regen chapter 39 . 5/30
very interesting. Thank you for sharing :D
Stille und regen chapter 38 . 5/30

what a turnaround
it was so interesting! oh my god, congratulations, you are amazing! your plot is incredible !
this story entered my favorites
thanks for sharing, it's awesome
Stille und regen chapter 37 . 5/30
Stille und regen chapter 35 . 5/30
I love it
Stille und regen chapter 34 . 5/30
it was beautiful and exciting
i love harry
it was an incredible conversation
Stille und regen chapter 33 . 5/30
when hermione comjured some flowers, I felt my eyes burn
this ending was overwhelming, I feel like I can cry
Stille und regen chapter 32 . 5/30
I also like this song :)

i wonder where is lestrange
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