Reviews for can i just have one more moondance with you
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
You are such a good writer!
Multi fandom geekerello chapter 1 . 7/4
I Actually wanted to start teen wolf for a while, but I'm busy with b99 for now. But now, I'm starting it asap.
Sob. Sob
What a lovely lovely piece of writing.
And what an amazing author!
Seriously though. LOVED IT.
Just one thing. Percy LIVED with all 4 of them for half an year, shouldn't he also have an amazing reunion with Piper and Thalia and Hazel. (I ship Pipercy, Perazel and Perlia FRIENDSHIP SO SO HARD!)
GodOfHistory chapter 1 . 5/24
That was amazing!
Green-Silver-Ravenclaw chapter 1 . 3/8
That was so good like I can't and like please and like thank you very much
Forgotten Ginger chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
Awesome story loved it would be kinda cool if ya did some one shots or maybe a sequel but if not still a fantastic story
ABC123 chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
Great story! Just wish we could have seen Annabeth “go alpha”.
Carolyn Pypers chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
Some parts of that just made me think of Damon from TVD. Idk y
Butterflies765 chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
Now this was fabulous. The world needs more Percy teaching fanfiction. Also, I loved your spin on Octavian, it made me laugh so much! I hope you write more fabulous fanfics, because these are simply amazing.
Mystery-shrouded S chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
This was ridiculously enjoyable to read! The premise is great as was the execution.

I do have a couple minor complaints though. One is that New York is north of Virginia. It doesn't make sense to an American reader to see it implied that Virginia is north of New York. Also, the word "trouser" is kind of unusual for an American to use. Americans just say "pants".

I'll have to admit that I had a few reservations of Percy being an English teacher of all things, but you definitely impressed me and got me to accept it. The tone for each scene was perfect, with just the right amount of humor. Great work overall!
XxAngie unixX chapter 1 . 8/13/2019
Um... I’ve been reading this since... 1? Yeah and now it’s three and in the middle when I saw Thalia being called moomoo I cracked and I think my teen age siblings heard but, probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever read so... good job.
Fangirl Shrieks chapter 1 . 8/2/2019
After reading your latest one-shot, I realized I hadn’t read this one, and despise how strange the blurb sounded, I was intrigued. (Plus I was procrastinating doing my own work, so why not give this a shot?)

Honestly, I think you’re killing it. I’m not sure which one-shot I ended up liking better, but I think if I had a gun pressed to my temple, I would reluctantly choose ‘dressed too nice for a jacket, so i’m freezing’ over this one, just because edgy Annabeth is incredible haha. But your writing blows me away in both, so it hardly matters.

First off, I am LIVING for English teacher Percy and his disgust with Octavian’s strange essays. That was just the funniest thing and I love how Percy doesn’t even bother to disguise it. But I think my all-time favorite humorous line was from that interaction between Percy, Leo, and Jason: ‘“Dude, my dad named goldfish after all his business associates and flushed them down the toilet whenever he bankrupted them” and Leo says, “Dude” and that’s quite that.’ The first time that I read that, I had to stop, go back, and reread it before it sunk in, and then naturally, I died haha. How do you even come up with this stuff? That’s comedic gold! In general, I think this one-shot was a much different aesthetic than your other one. Both are wonderful in their own way, but whereas the Modeling AU is more Tumblr-esque with hard-hitting quotes that make you put your phone down and contemplate your existence, this Magical AU is filled to the brim with these gems that make you suppress your smile because you don’t want to look weird in public. And I LOVE it. It’s such a different flavor, but it’s refreshing. It’s in the way you structure your sentences, I think, casually delivering punchlines. If I’m being honest, I’m not even sure you’re aware of it, but it’s the best thing since sliced bread tbh. My theory is that you’re naturally funny irl, simply because this kind of easy flow from joke to joke is so relaxing, in a way that’s hard to feign.

I think it’s fun to see all our favorite PJO/HoO characters grown up like this, but still true to their original characters, which, might I add, you absolutely nail. Leo’s still immature, but lovable, Rachel’s sassy, Annabeth’s all business, Percy’s a sarcastic little cinnamon roll, Jason is just so good-natured, but I don’t feel like they’re kids still! And that, may I say, is a very difficult feat to accomplish. How does one keep traits from an adolescent and yet, allow them room to grow? Something about the grace with which you portray that is admirable.

Thalia and Percy’s dynamic might be my absolute favorite thing in this entire story (and believe me, there’s a lot to choose from). It’s perfect! It’s like the canon! If I didn’t know better, someone could trick me and convince me that Uncle Rick himself wrote their interactions: ‘One is sitting primly on the floor and the other one is obnoxiously stretched out on the sofa. “Um,” he says. “That’s Annabeth,” he says, pointing to the wolf on the floor. She nods. That means the one on the sofa is Thalia. “And that’s Moomoo.” Thalia turns to him very slowly. Piper *wheezes*.” Me too, Piper, me too. Their love-hate relationship is EVERYTHING and I seriously can’t get enough of it. If you ever release another one-shot/multi-chapter story in the future with lots of Thalia in it, I think I’ll die of happiness. You’re spoiling us, honestly.

And now constructive criticism. (I usually sneak a little into every review I post, but I couldn’t for the Modeling AU, because as I noted in that review, it was simply put, flawless. :)) Overall, I think the story was brilliant, creative, and everything in between, but there’s definitely a couple things that I questioned. For one thing, in comparison to your other one-shot, I think that Percabeth’s development was a tad bit rushed. Their friendship and everything was on point, don’t get me wrong, but romantically speaking, I remember being a bit confused when they were already leaning in to kiss that one time they were alone, probably because I can’t recall many times that they had spent time alone before that, or really bonded. Granted, it’s realistic to happen given the timeframe, but since you didn’t write much of it out, it was a bit trippy for me. However, on the flip side, after Percy saves Annabeth and they’re in the hospital, that scene was perfect for their romantic relationship. That in particular didn’t feel rushed at all, and the manner in which you demonstrate their love is gorgeously written, but like I said, I have more of a bone to pick with the steps (or lack thereof) it took them to get to where they were at the end. Another thing that bothered me a little, however a tiny detail, was when Percy was contemplating the note Annabeth left behind and feeling weird about it, he takes a random train, and ends up at the grocery store, etc. Which is all good and fine. But… the fact that he just gets up at one of the last stops (so it’s probably kind of far from his house), and just happens to land up in the same grocery store as Leo and Jason, I don’t know it seems a tad unrealistic to me. I know that you really just did all that to move the plot forward, and quite honestly I don’t know how you’d weave their interaction in any other way off the top of my head, but it just sort of bugged me. However, on the bright side, it was a very minor detail, and unlike my criticism on Percabeth’s development, I don’t really mean anything by it, just merely wanted to point it out.

To sum up this ridiculously long review, I just wanted to say that I love your writing style, your intricately woven humor, the way you build familial/platonic relationships, and your witty one-liners. I love the length, and if it was longer, I honestly wouldn’t complain. I deeply respect that you take your time with your writing, only ever publishing quality work, and I sincerely hope you never lose your love of writing, because that would be a damn shame. If I ever get through all my work (and procrastinating doesn’t count), I’ll be sure to check out some of your other stories. I think I’ve skimmed others, but I don’t think I’ve ever read them in such detail like I did with your recent two one-shots. I might even have to hop aboard the multi-chapter train and get into ‘On Knife’s Edge’ after I run out of your addicting one-shots haha.

Fangirl xx

(PS I saw your PM; that was v sweet and you really didn’t have to send that, but it made my day :))
Luthien'sLight chapter 1 . 8/1/2019
I’m a Percabeth man, myself, so this Tory Brent’s be a great deal of happiness (both the story itself and the amazing writing). Well done, my friend.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
This is a fantastic story. Can’t wait to read more of your stories.
Rose chapter 1 . 6/6/2019
dude this was like, really good? like when i first saw this i was like 'werewolves...pass' but the SECOND time i was like 'eh may as well' and i was VERY PLEASANTLY SURPRISED. like. real good. nice job.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
Amazing! Please keep writing stories!
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