Reviews for Everything Will Be Okay
DemonChild94 chapter 24 . 9/3
Super sad how rushed this ending was but it was a great story!
Prinessfas chapter 24 . 9/3
Well um okay then is that really the end nothing got resolved adrien still sees plagg and is still obsessing over his weight and marinette still freaks out whenever she thinks someone is going to take adrien away which is not healthy and what was up with adriens father he is a complete ass but this last chapter its like oh i actually love my son and am in denial thats why i beat and verbally abuse my son cause that makes so much sense and what the hell is wrong with Natalie i mean sure Gabriel is her boss but giving adrien all those crazy pills and ziploc bags like what the actual fuck there is this word called NO you're allowed to use it! And this story was crazy repetitive something would happen to adrien he'd get locked up then get out and something would happen to marinette which would set off adrien then when we think they're finally getting better it turns out they were just faking it! And not to be mean or anything but adrien and marinettes relationship was extremely toxic they hid things together and let each other get away with hurting themselves if they really loved each other marinette wouldn't have let adrien get away with puking and cutting himself same for adrien he let marinette sew an A into her skin and cut herself! And you just end it by having them leave and never get proper help its crazy! I really thought this could be a good story but its like every chance you got to do something good with it you went and messed things up fot them. SMH
Guest chapter 24 . 9/3
I have been obsessively checking for updates on this fanfic since probably a little before Christmas. It is such an amazing story that I have re-read so many times. Thank you for taking the time to finish this, as it is one of my favourites. I am sorry to hear that you will no longer be writing for the mlb fandom. If you are going to leave this fandom, may I request that you update all of your stories that are currently in progress, to try and give us all some closure from them, instead of us having to imagine what happens next, because I know that it will never be as good as what you could for these characters, as it is your story to finish. Even the ones that havent been updated for over a year, even nust one more chapter to try and bring things to a bit more of a close. I understand if you dont have the time or motivation to do this, especially considering current circumstances, so would you consider seeing if another mlb writer would take them up to finish, one that you trust to do these wonderful fanfics justice. Or, if you are taking requests for storis to finish, either Revving Hearts or Master and Slave? This is just a request, I understand if you dont want to do any of these things. Sorry this was so long. Again, I love your work and have enjoyed reading all the new chapters you put out.
Stay safe xx
Drama Lover's Dream 513 chapter 24 . 9/1
Aww it was an amazing ending. I understand why you want to stop writing for the fandom and even so you are a great author.

I really enjoyed reading your stories and thanks for finishing them. If you ever feel like writing for the fandom again, I’ll be happy to read!
KittyNoir0 chapter 24 . 9/1
I love it so much!
BookReviewer chapter 23 . 8/25
can you please update this story? It's really good!
KittyNoir0 chapter 23 . 7/23
I love this story! Please try to update as soon as possible!
Chat-and-ladybug chapter 23 . 6/27
That conniving little b*! I’m so glad that Mari is always there for him but why can’t Fu see what Mendeleive is doing? Also why does Kagami have to be so aggravating? I absolutely loved these past three chapters! Thanks for writing and stay Miraculous!
HeartAngel1796 chapter 23 . 6/17
Dang! Nurse Mendeleive is awful!
Poor sweet Adrien.
If Dr. Fu doesn't approve of ECT in his hospital and she had done it to several other patients, can't they tell him and he could stop her (maybe sack her).
Glad you're back
Guest chapter 23 . 6/17
Wow welcome back! I wonder what the back story behind Adrien and Mendelev is. I hope it's nothing like sexual abuse.
Jackiebp chapter 23 . 6/16
I usually don't get to affected by what I read and it's been all over the spectrum. I can stomach a lot or power through and come to some place in my mind. This though was the one to do the trick.

First, let me say, for the theme, story and painting a realistic picture, this great writing. Made props. Second, this hit close to home with what I studied for my degree in school and learned a long with way for other sad realities. It especially was hard because the raw emotions of vulnerability and progression (I lost my original train of thought and I'm sure I'm wording weird) this chapter and world life feel parallel as weird as that sounds. At least how an individual can experience it and I can only speak for myself in this moment. It was just wow and whoa.

Amazing to see it continue and amazing visual stimulation. Yet raw and wow. I'm sure there are better words.
ItalianGuest7 chapter 22 . 3/22
Seriously, one of the best AU's I've ever read!
Fantasyandromancelover chapter 22 . 3/13
Do you take requests?
Drama Lover's Dream 513 chapter 22 . 3/12
Aww that's a nice scene! Thank you Nathalie for finally reminding Gabriel that Adrien is not just an Agreste, but his mother's side as well. Sometimes I get so frustrated when Gabriel tells Adrien that he's an Agreste and he should act like one.

This chapter was awesome, as always. Can't wait for more!
I.t z. M.a.r.i chapter 1 . 2/21
Haha you kinda remind m of myself. I have and anxiety disorder and is always thinking about the worst possible things. That has lead me to the hospital a few times but not i am learning how to deal with it and having less attacks. Just keep breathing :)
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