Reviews for The Life of a PI
RaySkywalker chapter 10 . 7/26
I hope your back to being healthy again, or at least we’ll on the way ... just keep writing as you did so far ... Magnum whump and caring others are the best
Jaydiesbutterfly chapter 10 . 7/26
Read all the 10 in one go! They're very well written. Hope you will continue some day.
Orion9 chapter 10 . 7/2
Thank you for this amazing collection of stories. Loved all of them, especially your tag to 2x11, but this chapter is my absolute favourite. Lovely whump and the scene with Thomas charging past the line of cops and Gordon's pleading look as they went by made me chuckle as I can actually see that happening on the show. Hope your recovery is going well and that you'll be back with more stories soon.
Jen chapter 10 . 6/21
You doing ok? Love your stories. Would love to see Magnum rescue Juliet and learn some more of her backstory.
ElevethaHoure chapter 10 . 4/24
I have highly enjoyed this series of stories! Thank you!

And I hope your recovery is going well-
Sundial chapter 10 . 2/16
We need more of your stories! Love this. A collection of the best Magnum stories out there. Can’t wait to see what you do to him next.
roxtonissexy chapter 10 . 1/10
loved that. how about the whole gang have a day off including katsumoto, and they go spear fishing and one of them gets hurt
Mel J1701 chapter 10 . 1/10
I loved this story! Probably one of my favourites of the lot, it had everything from hurt/comfort to bonding with Katsumoto as well as the guys and Higgins added in. So glad you’re back to writing.
Reader243 chapter 10 . 1/10
Thank you for this absolute great collection of amazing stories. Thank you so much for sharing these with us. All the best wishes to you! Hope you will find time to and joy in writing more.
drjscully chapter 10 . 1/9
Amazing! Thank you so much and I hope your road to recovery is smooth. I love seeing more of Higgy and Magnum’s growing relationship, so anytime you want to write about that, great!
Marlab chapter 10 . 1/9
I'm glad you're doing better and feel well enough to give us great fics like this. I love that it was Magnum and Katsumoto together, and fabulous whump!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/9
Another great chapter. Keep it up, at the same time, take care of yourself.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/9
I wish you a full and speedy recovery. Thanks for the chapter, I loved it!
princess peanut chapter 10 . 1/9
My new favorite chapter!
celticgal1041 chapter 10 . 1/9
What a fantastic story! Loved seeing this heroic, determined side of Magnum as he does everything in his power to save Katsumoto and himself. Looking forward to whatever you post next.
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