Reviews for Wrong location
IloveCats1 chapter 8 . 6/3
I'm loving this story, please continue!
Random Person chapter 8 . 5/27
Good music for when you're writing or something would be either lofi or synthwave, but if you want something a little less like electronic elevator music then melodic dubstep, deathstep, and glitch hop are good. Also, don't trust first impressions, mor popular dubstep kind of music tends to be extremely heavy and is kind of an acquired taste, I'd recomend listening to something like "Hold On" by Teminite or "We're Not Alone" by Virtual Riot to get a feel for it. Don't start with Excision, his stuff is the kind of heavy that causes earthquakes with the subbass. Disclaimer: I do not only listen to electronic music, I listen to almost anything except new country and most rap.
bookworm4eva'n'eva chapter 8 . 5/18
Wow, I love the story, can't wait to read the rest!
LemonBoiii chapter 8 . 5/5
can't wait for an update
nicodiangelolovah chapter 8 . 4/27
mk then.
you might try listening to Taylor swift, or daya. I find their songs very relaxing and inspirational for when I write my stories.
House-Of-Marcella chapter 8 . 4/25
Really interested in how this chapter developed Nico's family history. I suspect it won't take long for Hermione to figure something out. I do have one issue with you work though, you seem to be portraying Ron in a rather undue way, making him a bit grosser and less courteous than he was in y3, but maybe that's just my love of the trio friendship coming through.
Meilaan chapter 8 . 4/24
First off, great story! Nico’s family is basically a blank page, love the whole ‘Di angelos were dark wizards’ thing. It fits really well.
Second, What music were you looking for? Things like instermental stuff, I suggest some anime/movie/game soundtracks (you know the soundtrack from ‘your name’, that anime movie thing? That. Or even hedwig’s theme.), even if the show itself isn’t all that good. (Try ‘Rivers Flow in You’ by Yimura’?) I usually listen to piano Ballads/pop songs whatever they’re called. (things like faded by Allan walker, king by Lauren aquillia, thousand years, etc.) but like just pop? Hmmmmm. Undone by FFH, runnin by Adam Lambert, Heaven Knows by Five For Fighting... try looking for PJO/HP edits. usually the song choices are pretty good. Again, USUALLY. Lol sorry, I love my music :)
The Goode Ravenclaw chapter 8 . 4/24
this is really good and I really like the plot so far! I just reread it and o could see how much you've progressed on these eight chapters. Of you're still looking for a beta, I'd be happy to help!
poseidonsdaughter1001 chapter 8 . 4/24
are you gonna include percy in this?
Falconress chapter 8 . 4/24
Soundtracks from games tend to work really good.
House-Of-Marcella chapter 7 . 2/13
Ok so like let’s be honest, most Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover are absolute trash. This is spectacularly well written and im actually super interested in how you’re going to spin the di Angelo family. My only concern is a handful of grammatical errors scattered throughout . (‘too’ and ‘Di Angelo’ specifically)

Hope to see the new update soon!
phoenixspiritwolf chapter 1 . 2/12
wow, this is really quite good!
Kurt50Alien chapter 7 . 1/25
I just found this story and was instantly hooked. It is really well written.
DarthVader7754 chapter 7 . 1/24
Wow, an update! I love it! Thank you so much author
nicodiangelolovah chapter 7 . 1/24
thank you for updating! :)
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