Reviews for The Taking of Farbanti - A Pilot Episode of Skies Unknown Story
Knight7572 chapter 2 . 8/2/2019
well this is very good i liked the battle scenes they were very well paced and exciting keep up the good work
Banana1334 chapter 3 . 5/6/2019
Just to clarify this is a stealth Anti-Osea fanfic right?
TheGamerMarine76 chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
I am commenting merely as a purpose to agree with the last guy who commented on this story. Thank you.
StrikeFreedomX2 chapter 3 . 5/4/2019
OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! You are the worst.
Vergeltern chapter 3 . 5/4/2019
Well, we get some nice fight between sol and counttrigger. Even with modern hardware they couldn't get a shot. I fully understand it, railgun, coilgun are not meant to be close range weapon, and laser won't curve their path to follow a target like a proton warhead... I accept this idea of Cosette being manipulated by Schröder, sadly for her there's no Jean Valjean to save her from this Belkan Thénardier (ok, i don't know if many people will understand the reference). And still, infighting is normal. Sad we only see that at the end of all games, it showed that conquest always end bad. Still, I'm wondering what Schröder is up to now... Blowing up the ISEV maybe ? it would be fun..
Vergeltern chapter 2 . 4/7/2019
Well, this is a fierce battle, i will give trigger that. I just thing that at the beginning of this chapter, it should be deflagration and not conflagration but that's just an idea. I just find the Osean to be a little overpowered in this battle, but since when battles are fought between people with equal strength or firepower... Or maybe, we could have had some Osean losses in this kind of fierce battle..
MontyMarten chapter 1 . 3/24/2019
This is an interesting start. Consider me intrigued. You have a rather unique writing style that's a little hard to get used to at first, but it's not difficult to understand.

It seems you've also gone with making Trigger a girl, so that's a nice change of pace. I hope you continue it, as I'm curious to see where your own adaptation will go and what sort of changes and twists you have planned.
Spare 15 Thanos Trigger chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
Where are Long Caster and the other LRSSG guys? Also, try to work on English better; the frequent absence of "the" before stuff like country nnamesis annoying.
Vergeltern chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
We have some mistery here. But if we follow the feminine article you use, trigger is a girl now. That's something new i guess. And our X-02S is now almost a combination of AFX-01 and CFA-44... Still, i don't like this typical linear war pattern, where enemies are just doing bad thing because they're the enemies, that justify and allow the good guys to do Bad things...