Reviews for Enigma
thefallen0000 chapter 2 . 3/9
a good read.
you are a great author and nobody should ever tell you any different
Guest chapter 2 . 5/30/2019
Please update
AlcheMick chapter 2 . 4/3/2019
Youve got me hooked! This is such a fun and clever way to write a story/set of oneshots, and incredibly well written!

Im curious if Ed really doesnt recall, or if hes feigning amnesia, and if he'll make it back home i look forward to more interaction with the cast!

Thanks for the read!
Caibb chapter 2 . 3/27/2019
I love your writing style. Like, usually I find things like this meh because they feel unfulfilled but this... This is just good. Like, it doesn't feel like a completed anything but just... A short. That's really satisfying to read. Like, gah the feels at that old dusted suit of armour :'(
Anyways, thanks for writing and posting this!
Zaire Giovanni chapter 2 . 3/28/2019
muy corto pero fue bueno! n.n
siento que no todas mis ideas sean originales y de mas pero me alegra ayudar al menos a hacer algo pequeño para que se nos muestre un poco mas, tu idea de que el elric mayor pierda la memoria y de mas me pareció muy buena W espero que, de ser posible, la sigas.
puedes tomar pequeñas ideas que se te ocurran o que se te den dando, aunque no tire hacia algo concreto creo que seria genial el indagar en un Edward sin memoria en un mundo desconocido, se puede crear mucho con eso.
ShadeFireDragon chapter 2 . 3/27/2019
Zanecole421 chapter 2 . 3/27/2019
Is this friendship I spy? Also is the armour really Al or just a likeness?
Good job. I hope you do decide to continue it.
Caibb chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
Gah, it seems like a really interesting start! I do hope you have more ideas to continue this, but eh, if you don't I'll still be able to enjoy this chapter xD
Thanks for posting what you wrote!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
It's good. I hope you will write another chapter, but it can be a one shot too... but i really hope you will continue this story. And sorry for my english :))
shardonaymb chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
This was amazing, 3 years? I can’t believe it, your skills seem so sharpe though ! I can’t wait for more from you, this was great
Zaire Giovanni chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
no se si entiendas esto pero bueno, aquí te dejo sugerencias.
Una cosa que podría pasarle a edward es que este se quede mirando de vez en cuando las armaduras que hayan por la escuela.
otra cosa que pregunte aveces en voz alta pregunte a alguien que se supone debe estar al lado de el sobre algún tipo de teoría.
también podría despertar de feas pesadillas.
que demuestre disgusto en la transfiguración y mucho gusto por pociones.
que muestre su gusto por la ciencia muggle.
que muestre alguna especie de mirada nostálgica al ver a un gato o algo así.
Zanecole421 chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
This was interesting. Ed is definitely an enigma to those who don't know him.
I'd love to see how he reacts to transfiguration.
ShadeFireDragon chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
I wanna see the time Elric has beaten up the Slytherin who got sent to Madam Pomphrey after bullying Luna Lovegood!