Reviews for Ace Combat 7: Deep Blue Skies
Dasmara chapter 11 . 5/1
The kind of story I've been looking for, quite hard to get some good Trigger x Rosa fanfic somehow. By the way, I loved this story and it's quite nice on how you manage to make their relations believeable in the chaotic light house war. I can't wait to see your spin when Trigger had to escort her liason plane, the entire battle on Tyler island and pretty much the rest of the end of the campaign between Trigger and Rosa. Props to you for executing this well...I understand regarding the decision for hiatus, we all have to make do one way or another in facing this global pandemic and I will wait the day when you update this story. Stay safe and keep it up
SpacemannWhiff chapter 11 . 4/26
Hey, I understand completely. I just got caught up after having not read since chapter 3, and I look forward to seeing this continued. That being said, keep yourself safe and sane, and thank you for being on the front lines of this pandemic.
koburakilla chapter 11 . 4/25
Instantly jumped over, Hoping that it was a chapter update. I was a tad bit disappointed to hear this is going on hiatus, but after reading the full explanation, I understand completely. I have friends and family in the same situation as you during these times and the most I can do is to say thank you for all you are doing for those of us not in the medical field! I wish you luck in these uncertain times ahead and I wish you stay safe!
Guest chapter 10 . 3/1
i hopw you continue this story one day
Ghostly chapter 10 . 2/21
Scratch that, some things aren’t the same, but this is a bit of concern if Brownie is still alive.
Ghostly chapter 1 . 2/21
To TheGamerMarine76: If you have played or watched the campaign story of AC7 than you know about what’s going happen to Brownie in mission 03. It will be tough for trigger to move on but he’ll pull through.
7thManiac chapter 10 . 11/4/2019
Well, should be interesting to see the DLC missions showing up. I've enjoyed them both so far, especially the first as it reminded me a little bit of AC6's gameplay with its massive map size and the allied planes that provide electronic support.

Shame that we kinda know how the third mission will end, I mean a wmd strike would be something that should happen or at least get a mention in the base campaign. Oh well, the intrigue is still fun and the missions a nice challenge.

I look forward to the next update.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/24/2019
Nice Good
MaverickSawyer chapter 9 . 9/20/2019
Oh, a fellow reader of The War Zone, eh? Good taste I do have to wonder what Trigger's RIO thinks of his little conversation.
TheGamerMarine76 chapter 7 . 9/17/2019
Uh oh, if Trigger and Brownie are together in this and with the addition of Rosa, and if this goes where I think it'll go, then it's gonna be a mess.
I mean, I liki the princess but cheating is messed up nonetheless...
Great story though, keep it up!
Arios chapter 8 . 9/10/2019
Al fin Cosette y Trigger se encuentran !
Nacerá un romance entre ellos?...espero que si !...que pasara con Emily!?
Actualiza pronto
Shifty830 chapter 8 . 9/9/2019
Well that's one way to start a relationship, also lime the way the story is shaping up so far
MaverickSawyer chapter 8 . 9/9/2019
Oh, snap. Trigger's in for one heck of a ride now!
Guest chapter 6 . 8/20/2019
who wants to bet that someone would steal triggers photo again?
Guest chapter 4 . 6/30/2019
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