Reviews for Wreck-It Ralph 2
Dr. Kineil D. Wicks chapter 28 . 10/16
Oh man I loved this I kept getting up at the end of every chapter because HGNEEEEEEE This had SUCH the feel of the first movie and the old crowd and
I love it.
There, I said it. I love it.
It legit feels like a sequel to Wreck-It Ralph what am I saying this IS the sequel no I'm not taking criticism on this I loved all the characters BD was awesome and the fact that they all busted their butts to stay together and they did and it all felt so worthwhile in the end and I just LOVE IT.
Like, legit might print this out for my Dad to read. O-or frame it on the wall I love it I'm sitting here with the goofiest grin on my face this fic made me so happy and I love it thank you. :D
Awesome awesome AWESOME job! :D
Dr. Kineil D. Wicks chapter 17 . 10/16
So yeah I was in the WiR tab because dang I've never watched RBtI but from what I've read it's just a train wreck and I was sitting here with nostalgia for 2013-2017 WiR fandom and got this recommended and can I just say DANG!
I'm never watching RBtI now, this is canon.
Everyone in character and sounding like themselves, a cool reason to visit the internet, STEAM OH MY GOSH. XD The characters thinking things through on how to get to their friends, on a clock, gosh this gives me the same warm and fuzzies that I remember from this fandom and the expansion to the world makes sense and fits so well and I adore Sugar Rush II and the Extreme EZ Living and I KNEW something was screwy here oh gosh oh dang. :O
Off to finish reading this awesome fic but I had to let you know that DANG THIS IS GOOD! :D
Peterstanden chapter 17 . 9/10
I know that it wouldn’t have let up to this story if I said this, but if Princess Vanellope wasn’t evil and she was telling Vanellope the truth, and they both managed to get the vault-like door open, Vanellope would’ve ended up in the game “Extreme E-Z Livin’” on the Internet. Sure, she wouldn’t know where she is, or where she’s going. But... maybe, just maybe... she might find... Ralph, Felix, Calhoun, and she’ll see they’re having fun. And she’ll probably wonder why they’re all the way out here and not back at Litwak’s, but no matter, she would be so happy to see them. But when she approaches them and starts speaking to them, they’ll probably be shocked, and probably relieved as well, and happy to see her. They’ll all have so many questions to ask each other, like how did Vanellope manage to get all the way out here, from her game? And what are Ralph, Felix and Calhoun are doing way out here, having fun in this game when Vanellope thought they would be way back at Litwak’s? And when Vanellope hugs Ralph and starts crying, she’ll explain she missed him, and Felix and Calhoun so much, and she left her friends way back in Sugar Rush, just to see her family again. But she would feel really bad about leaving the other racers back there, but it won’t matter to Ralph, Felix and Calhoun anyway, because they’re gonna save them anyway, so I’m sure Ralph, Felix and Calhoun will forgive Vanellope for leaving them because they would understand how much Vanellope loves her family so much and she really missed them and she was so desperate to see them again. Vanellope might still be crying, and Ralph, Felix and Calhoun would feel really sorry for her she had to leave the other racers behind like that just because she really wanted to see her family again, BD would’ve met Vanellope that time too, but he would feel really sorry for her too that she’s really upset at the moment. Poor Vanellope, I wanna give her a hug
Cat61 chapter 28 . 7/17
Now this!...this was the sequel we wanted! Beautifully done! Excellent faithfulness to the characters, a true villain, and continued growth for the characters instead of a backslide by Ralph and selfishness by Vanellope. Thank you for writing this!
Aleckzandra Cobarrubia chapter 28 . 7/7
By the way, if you are gonna make a Wreck-It Ralph series about the Sugar Rush racers, can you please include a few moments of my favorite Sugar Rush ships:
VanillaButter (Rancis x Vanellope), Jack O’ Lantern (Gloyd x Candlehead), and MintySwirl (Swizzle x Minty)
Thank you for your time, and have a good life!
Aleckzandra Cobarrubia chapter 28 . 7/7
Have you thought about making a Wreck-It Ralph fanfiction series focused on the Sugar Rush racers?
Because Wreck-It Ralph and Ralph Breaks the Internet failed to give more insight on the racers besides Vanellope. It would be nice to get to know more about the racers in a whole new perspective.
If you want to, you can make this happen. The series could take place after the first Wreck-It Ralph movie and maybe continue after your story, It’s a Slaughterful Life. It’s your choice.
So please think about my suggestion.
Thank you for your time, and good luck with your stories and fanfictions!
Aleckzandra Cobarrubia chapter 28 . 7/3
I like the fact that you ship Rancis and Vanellope in Wreck-It Ralph. Which of the Sugar Rush racers do you also ship?
I ship Gloyd Orangeboar and Candlehead and Swizzle Malarkey and Minty Zaki.
Jayskeletyn chapter 28 . 6/11
HOLY HECK! That was amazing. Not a day goes by where I don't wonder why we couldn't of gotten as the this as the sequel in 2018 instead of what ever the hell Ralph Breaks the Internet was trying to be. Like my God, can someone explain to me why the fanfiction reads like a cohesive and amazing sequel and the actual "sequel" that we got reads like a fanfiction, and a bad one for that matter. Bottom line, this is the real Wreck it Ralph 2 as far as I'm concerned.
Guest chapter 28 . 5/19
THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL! Great villain, great character development, and great new characters! I want THIS TO BE THE SEQUEL DANGIT! Sorry for raising my voice I just want to express that this is WAY better than the sequel we got.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/17
Man, I'm so glad you finished this sequel fic. I remember looking at the drawings you made based around this idea on Deviantart years ago and being so sad you decided not to write the full story. At least that crappy sequel did one good thing- it motivated you to write this. Every cloud has a silver lining, eh?
Peterstanden chapter 19 . 3/28
Rancis makes me think of Sawyer from "Pokémon the Series: XY" and "XYZ", he even sounds like him to me
Peterstanden chapter 16 . 3/28
Ralph, Felix and Calhoun would have to take Vanellope and the other racers to the internet and give them a detour of Extreme E-Z Livin', I think they'd love it there. And I'm sure Vanellope would love to take a little vacation there, and they'll be racing for her and the other racers too (Not that Vanellope would go Turbo again and live there forever like she did in "Ralph Breaks the Internet")
Peterstanden chapter 17 . 2/16
When Princess Vanellope admits to Vanellope that she lied to her about the fact that no one can get out into the long distance wiring, man! She makes me think of The Enchanted Girl who was manipulating Cassandra, making her betray her best friend Rapunzel, making her blame her for Gothel who abandoned her daughter and chose Rapunzel over Cassandra in "Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure". It's quite creepy too because the Enchanted Girl did make a few creepy faces because she is Zhan Tiri, I think Princess Vanellope sounds like the Enchanted Girl too from where I can hear it, really creeps me out
Peterstanden chapter 24 . 1/27
At the beginning of this chapter, when all the racers, the police force, and the C.L.A.W. team all gathered in a protective ring to protect Ralph, Vanellope, Felix, Calhoun and BD, and Rancis stands in front, it kinda makes me think of Avengers, like they are the Avengers. I can imagine Rancis, maybe as Captain America, saying 'Avengers...! Assemble.'
NessaRoseFangirl chapter 28 . 1/6
Awe I really loved this! The Ralph sequel wasn’t the worst sequel I’d seen, but I definitely would have rathered seen this story on the big screen. It was incredibly well done. Awesome work!
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