Reviews for Elizabeth Bennet's Stolen Kiss
HOWLMOONLIGHT13 chapter 19 . 5/14
When Is Mr. Bennet going to remember he has a wife. I mean how could he forget about her? lol
Cosmyk Angel chapter 3 . 2/25
I am disappointed in the fact that Lizzy behaves as though she never had that horseback discussion with Darcy.
It makes her seem very shallow and immature.

Salanna chapter 11 . 1/7
Very ungentlemanly of Mr Bennet as he is still married to Mrs Bennet, he ows her his loyalty even if the marriage is not a happy one.
MerytonMiss chapter 27 . 12/13/2019
Oh, nooooooo! It's marked COMPLETE when it isnt at all finished! It is so good, why did you stop? Please come back and adjust your summary by adding ON HIATUS, or ABANDONED so people who want to read to the end will know it isnt there.
Wyndwhyspyr chapter 33 . 10/11/2019
Interesting storyline. Enjoyable read
SalemAnderson chapter 24 . 9/25/2019
I have to say, I think Lizzy's reaction is quite childish and just a little selfish. Ruin everybody else's fun because your own curiosity got you mortified? For shame, Lizzy! But I guess it's as good a reason for her dramatic flight from Pemberley as any.
ERF2018 chapter 25 . 8/15/2019
I am really enjoying this plot: a sweet and romantic one, but the plot with Mrs. Reynolds could not let happy: I know that in that time (as the same today..) all the blame should go to me woman but so vehement Elisabeth reaction is a little difficult to understand.
She is very intelligent and also has some comprehensive and smart behavior, so how shelf-righteous reaction? How can she do not blame her father? How can she act in a so children manager jeopardizing Mr. Darcy, Ms. Darcy, and Kitty happiness just because of your father doing? Forcing Mrs. Reynolds to go away without thinking in Mr. Darcy and Miss Darcy? Sure she would go away a so smart person would know that Mrs. Reynolds would not put Mr. Darcy happiness in risk.
Again one Elizabeth with so much prejudice, its no good.
I totally know its your history - a good one - and you shall have all right to make them in your way, bu also hoping for redemption and Mrs. Reynolds back - not necessary of Mrs. Benneds demise.
Jansfamily4 chapter 8 . 7/31/2019
It looks to me, that Kitty has a room next to Georgie, as her companion. And Darcy has Lizzy's room next to him, as his companion. That doesn't look to good to me. All three girls should be roomed by each other. Just my thought.
Jansfamily4 chapter 7 . 7/31/2019
Kitty will have a better time than Lydia. And cause less trouble!
Jansfamily4 chapter 6 . 7/31/2019
Oh YES! Lizzy, do go to Pemberley. The problem might be that she gets too intimated with it. Lol! Well, she will just have to get over it.
Jansfamily4 chapter 5 . 7/31/2019
Georgie certainly took the bulk by the horns, so to speak. If this doesn't reassure Lizzy, then nothing will.
Mpf2741 chapter 33 . 7/1/2019
Well done
Levenez chapter 33 . 6/11/2019
Congratulations for your first attempt at FanFiction. It seems that you have kept quite busy since you posted already 3 stories so far this year!
I enjoyed the story. The idea is original and you managed to incorporate some nice moments from canon.
Like another reviewer I would say that dialogues are not there yet. It seems too formal in the discourse, too long monologue.
There are as well some repeat between chapters, maybe more at the beginning than at the end.
But overall, congratulations on writing and sharing your stories. I for sure shave never written anything so take my opinion as what it is: a non enlightened one!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2019
...except he could easily put her on the horse and just LEAD the horse... no need to ride double especially as that can be very hard on the animal even a short way...
Jansfamily4 chapter 33 . 5/9/2019
I really enjoyed your story. It was very good, especially for a first attempt. The first couple of chapters could use a re-write. But you will know that as you gain more experience. But then you got into your style and did a very good job! Congratulations on your first story.
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