Reviews for Suddenly a parent
sweetmarly chapter 4 . 4/21/2019
I have always thought that John would be a great parent. You have certainly brought that out here. Your little William is a precious thing.
TheDoctor'sGirl579 chapter 4 . 4/21/2019
I keep trying to refavorite this story after every chapter and it keeps not letting me xD
ninewood chapter 4 . 4/21/2019
Poor John. He has a lot of work cut out for him. Just hope William will tell him what happened.
ninewood chapter 3 . 4/17/2019
Ah, he's remembering Eurus. Maybe he will tell John about Victor? More please.
ninewood chapter 2 . 4/16/2019
Uh-oh. He's mad.
ninewood chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
Yes, a new William story!
HoneyBun chapter 3 . 4/14/2019
I love your William stories.
sweetmarly chapter 3 . 4/15/2019
Another good chapter. I like how this story is progressing.
TheDoctor'sGirl579 chapter 3 . 4/14/2019
Omgggggg. My precious baby William. He must be loved and protected! And I see he remembers Eurus. I can't tell if that'll be for better or for worse. Hmm
Little Sherlock is truly one of my favorite things ever
sweetmarly chapter 2 . 3/19/2019
A good chapter. I look forward to where you will be taking this story. Well done.
sweetmarly chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
It is so nice to see "little William" stories again. This is a nice start.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
YES! So excited!
TheDoctor'sGirl579 chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
*screams internally* IT'S BACK!