Reviews for Northern Skies
chisscientist chapter 31 . 6/21
This story has been an enjoyable and interesting read. Of the three in this series, my favorite was under strange stars, but I think that says as much about my fondness fro adventure stories over hurt/comfort as anything else. Thanks for writing.
chisscientist chapter 23 . 6/20
I find myself feeling sorry for the orc woman. It must be a miserable life.
chisscientist chapter 22 . 6/20
Elladan is awfully sheltered. I can understand Elrond's desire to shelter him, but boy has it just backfired.
chisscientist chapter 17 . 6/19
Why is Earendil rising in the West? Stars, planets, the moon and the sun rise in the east and set in the west, due to the earth's spin. As a backyard astronomer I can't help but find this really jarring, especially given how good the story is.
Levade chapter 31 . 3/23
You have a strong vision of Imladris and Elrond's family and the elves that live in the valley, and it's been my delight to read this story even as I was waiting with baited breath to see what would become of Elrohir and Elladan. I love how we all come to this fandom with differing visions, differing ideas and my mind at least...they can all co-exist without any difficulty. In fact, I like to think that our differing ideas sometimes spur and excite more ideas in us moreso than if we all agreed! Still, I have truly enjoyed reading this story and I can tell there was a ton of effort and thought and blood and sweat put into it. Nothing this detailed comes easily and without effort. I am delighted it lives strong in your mind and hope ( I have Estel!) that you will continue to share them with us. I'm at home right now for two weeks in "Isolation" due to work being shut down over the governor's order due to Corona...but you know, it just gives me time to read and comment and pass on some joy to other fanfic writers. :) Thank you for this story! You have given me a lot to think about and I love that.
Be well,
Nurayy chapter 32 . 11/30/2019
This New story is most promising and I'm looking forward to read. It is interesting to see the twins now grown and I wonder what we will all find out about their lives.
Nurayy chapter 31 . 11/29/2019
Elrohir is finally home. I loved the fishing scene. Somehow so simple but you packed so much in it, with wonderful descriptions of Imladris and its family. I'm looking forward to more ;)
Nurayy chapter 30 . 11/28/2019
This chapter was great! Beautiful to see how Elrohir begins to trust his father. I like the part where Elrond takes Elrohir's hand between his own and warms him; so close and tender.
Nurayy chapter 29 . 11/26/2019
I have not given up on this story, have just been delayed. I never give up on a story I like. And I definitely liked this chapter. The ending was particularly touching. Celebrían and Elrohir so close and weaping. I hope it will free Elrohir somehow, and be a step towards healing.
Nurayy chapter 28 . 11/8/2019
The love between the brothers is so really deep. Beautiful and touching. I like Celebrían a lot. With every chapter I admire her more and more. This is such a difficult situation. How is it going to develop...? I wonder what is going to happen and what Celebrían is up to, how will Elrohir be when he wakes...
Nurayy chapter 27 . 11/6/2019
The image of the father holding his living son is so deeply touching. I'm so glad Elrohir is safe.
Nurayy chapter 26 . 11/2/2019
Powerful chapter. I especially admired Celebrían. The way she keeps calm and composed in all the despair. Her determination in her negotiation with Gwaihir.
And Gwaihir... I love the eagles, whenever they appear. You wrote that ride above the stars very fascinating and so vivid. I could hear the wind howl, and the swishes of the great wings. I could see the blanket of the clouds and the red light of the setting sun reflecting on the white. Breathtaking descriptions!
Nurayy chapter 24 . 10/31/2019
What a suspense!
The brothers' connection is so deep. Elladan deeply feels his brothers suffering and it is tearing him apart. Poor Elladan!
I hope they will make it in time to save Elrohir. I hope that his regret comes not too late.
Nurayy chapter 22 . 10/29/2019
This story is so incredibly well written. I adore your style, and the way you have embedded it so well in elvish history. The characters are so very much in character. And especially I love the way you portray Glorfindel. Very powerful!
Nurayy chapter 19 . 10/28/2019
Oh no! So hard for Elladan to let him go!
Elrohir still carries such deep trauma. I worry and fear for him.
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