Reviews for Fairytale
Starco4everr chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
Great chapter. I loved your story
Shaeril McBrown chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
I saw the episode where Star and Marco remembers the blood moon ball
Jack Coffison chapter 6 . 4/8/2019
This was a lovely end to a lovey story. Naturally, I really enjoyed the dance and Marco's revelation. Seeing face the full force of Star's feelings and finally, truly, understand the truth was a wonderfully powerful moment. I felt a strong sense of nostalgia while reading it. That moment, and the story overall, really reminded me why I came to love these characters so much.

I also loved the Blood Moon Curse essentially being an 'all in your head' type problem. That was a great touch.

I was actually a little thrown off by how quickly we went into the Blood Moon Ball. I kind of expected to spend some time seeing Marco set everything up, send invitations, etc. But, ultimately, I can see why that might not have been particularly necessary. I gotta say, the overall conciseness of this story was really impressive. You really didn't waste a word.

Honestly, there's really not a lot else I can say that I haven't already. You do really great work with these characters, and your take on the Starco relationship is truly compelling and utterly heartwarming. And as someone who needs some heart warmth from time to time, I really appreciate it.

Until next time... I wish you all the best!
Jack Coffison chapter 5 . 4/8/2019
I really enjoyed the initial scene with Marco self-reflecting. That short little overview of his feelings for Star is probably one of my favorite pieces of this story so far. Easily tying with the some of the earlier Starco sweetness. I seem to find something endlessly compelling about seeing Marco look inward like this, so I guess it's no surprise that it really stuck out to me like that.

Honestly, I was a little less enamored with Tom's part in all this. Honestly, I really would have liked to see Marco run into Jackie Lynn Thomas again- maybe catch up and have a similar scene to the one at the end of 'Sophomore Slump'. Now, that might just be my mildly anti-Tom bias talking, but I do think that an extended conversation between Marco and Jackie could've made for a much more emotionally impactful scene.

I did enjoy Star and Tom's conversation a little more. And I do like that Tom suddenly found himself bombarded with on both sides by drama- first by Marco, then Star. I will say, though, that I really would've liked to see Star do some of her own reflecting- if for no other reason than to see how it might differ from Marco's. Maybe in the next chapter...

Oh! I also hope to see Tom and Janna have some kinda moment in the next chapter. I feel like a lot of writers just kinda throw those two together sometimes- and I'd really like to see them share some kind of real moment together, if at all possible.

Overall, I really enjoyed this chapter and, as always, I'm looking forward to the next!
Jack Coffison chapter 4 . 4/8/2019
I empathize a great deal with this sentiment, believe me. I was a huge fan of the show before Season Three, and during it, I just felt... Really disappointed. I actually tried to write my own story in reaction to that- but as the show moved forward, I found it increasingly difficult to keep working on it. I eventually gave up on it- and, I even gave up on writing in general. But- that's another story.

All I can say is that you should do whatever it is that brings you happiness. I feel like writing is a hobby that's at its best when you can really have fun with it. And if writing SvtFoE stuff isn't as fun for you anymore, then, there's absolutely no shame in moving on. In fact, I'd be really excited to see you write something for another series. Your work is really good, and I'm sure you'll be a welcome and valuable addition to any fandom you might wanna visit.

And, if you decide to stick around, I'd like that too. As I said, despite my feelings on the show itself, I still really love the characters. And your take on Star and Marco never fails to put a smile on my face.

It looks like you do have another chapter, so I'll go on to that.
Jack Coffison chapter 3 . 4/8/2019
Boy, oh boy, this chapter really ratcheted up the sweetness to a whole new level. I really enjoyed it, and the drama in Marco's questioning of their relationship and such was very compelling. As I thought, Star did shrug it off- although I was surprised to see her dismiss it as a 'fairytale'. I can see her saying 'what does it matter' and all- but not believing in the wacky magical thing seemed a little off for her.

I do really like that Star seemed to understand that Marco needed to find his answers. It was very sweet and understanding of her to let him go like that, and I really hope he'll make it up for her somehow. I'd also kinda like to see this 'Blood Moon' question effect her a little, as having the entire story solely revolve around Marco's own insecurities might feel a little imbalanced. If you could find a way to explore some of Star's insecurities as well, I think that'd be a really good addition.

Before I move on, I really wanna reiterate just how lovely your writing it. It all feels incredibly warm, genuine and compelling- and I'm sorry that I lack the language skills to gush over it as much as it deserves.

Thanks so much for continuing to write. I know how effort it takes, and I just want you to know that it is much appreciated. And not just by me.
Jack Coffison chapter 2 . 4/8/2019
As always, your work is just a pleasure to read. I really enjoyed getting some of Star's perspective this time, and I really love the way her more positive outlook seems to contrast with Marco's. It makes perfect sense, of course. And her thoughts on Marco are very sweet and fun to read.

While reading Janna's segment, I began to develop another theory on how the story might go. Maybe the Blood Moon forces couples apart by forcing them to face the deepest darkest parts of each other? It'd make sense to me that even just being able to constantly read each other's thoughts might stir up some kind of conflict between the two- and if the 'bond' were somehow pushed even further, I could see that being a problem...

I enjoyed seeing Janna here, although I think I would've liked to see a little more of her. Honestly, her role in the chapter seemed a little extraneous. It felt like they could have gone straight to Tom, and it probably wouldn't have changed much of the flow of the story. If Janna does show up again, I'd like to see her play a slightly more substantial role.

So far, the story seems to be going a little slow- but I do still really enjoy all of the character interactions on display here. As always, I'm very interested to see how things will unfold from here. I do find the whole question of whether or not the Blood Moon 'forced' them together to be very interesting, and since you ended the chapter on that question, I'm guessing that'll become the focus moving forward.

I really wonder how the character might deal with that question... On one hand, I can imagine Star kinda shrugging it off, as she tends to do with wacky magical things. On the other, I think her personal freedom is very important to her- and I wonder if that'll come into play. And I can certainly see how this could really feed into Marco's insecurities. Maybe he'll start to think that he needs to 'set Star free' or something- believing that she'd be happier if she could make a real choice, and not believing that she already has...

Sorry that reviews are so long and rambling, by the way. I can't seem to help it.

Okay, moving on to the next chapter!
Jack Coffison chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
Lemme start this by saying that I kinda fell off of SvtFoE about halfway through season three. But, I do still really like the characters- and your writing is truly great. So, I thought I might try delving back into the SvtFoE realm with some of your stories. And, hey- here's one! Hope you don't mind me reviewing each chapter as I go along.

So! I did really enjoy this chapter. However, I will say that a big part of me would've liked to see you resolve all the relationship somehow. I understand you not wanting to retread stuff that you've already kinda covered before- but I feel like you might've missed an opportunity... I dunno... Maybe I'm just a little too into the whole 'angsty-Marco' thing.

I initially found the opening dream sequence kinda confusing 'cuz of that, actually. When Marco woke up, I thought that maybe Marco had been just dreaming that he and Star were together- and we were going to get into some post 'Conquer' stuff. I did catch on eventually, though.

As always, the way you write these characters is pitch perfect and heartwarmingly sweet. I really like your take on the Blood Moon bonding- and despite my initial confusion, I really like the idea of Marco's and Star's subconscious communicating in their dreams. I tend to like dream sequences a lot in general- and I'd love to see you return to that idea.

I'll be interested to see how this version of the Blood Moon bond might differ from the version in 'The Sign of the Moon'. And, honestly, I'm very curious to see where the story might go from here. With Marco and Star already together, I can't help but wonder what's going to drive the story forward. Will the Blood Moon turn out to be some kinda villainous force that threatens the pair somehow? Maybe... It might make them merge into one, and it'll be a story about Star and Marco finding their own identities? (I guess that'd be more of a Marco problem...)

Well, I guess there's only one way to find out!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/1/2019
I saw the episode and with the ending I'm like "When will these to finally realize that they are meant to be and just get together already?" Seriously everything is all Tom's fault and I will be happy when Star and Marco finally become a couple and someone dumps a large bucket of holy water on Tom's head for his stupidity.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/31/2019
How did you feel about the Kellco moments during The Ponyhead Show.
I think everyone is excited and a bit worried about the episode tonight, all things considered.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/31/2019
That was a really good ending! Unlike what actually happened...
Guest chapter 6 . 3/30/2019
thanks for that wolves, was amazing

Ill keep reading you!
Cheshirek3t chapter 3 . 4/1/2019
*bi*ch slaps marco*
Man up boy, if you think your feelings for her are fake then make them real, when you enter in an relationship you may like the person you're with but you don't love them, love comes with time, there's no "wake up loving someone", with time you'll learn to love this someone with all their flaws aallweaknesses.
Ugh, sorry if this came out a bit too emotional or corny, it was supposed to be a funny comment... but i regret nothing
robertkellett chapter 6 . 4/1/2019
I know you enjoyed the episode a lot more than I did and are completely okay with the show's direction currently, but I felt your fic was better than what we wound up getting.

The writing felt very organic across the entire adventure, Tom was a great supporting character and Marco's plight was understandable, somewhat of an inverse of canon (where in canon, he was trying to get rid of his feelings vs here trying to ensure his feelings are real).

The dance was very emotional and you did a great job capturing the spirit of the original dance. Overall, good work.
Cure Orchid chapter 6 . 3/31/2019
I think you write the characters relationships better than the actual show.
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