Reviews for Dragon Ball Heroes
Guest chapter 7 . 8/28
That is bullshit raditz would kill him in seconds
Hamza9236 chapter 11 . 3/24
Doesn't that mean Momo's part Saiyan also?
darkpaladin89 chapter 30 . 11/26/2019
...How do you not sleep in a place where you have nothing but time?! XD

Pfft. She saw the whole Toga mess!
darkpaladin89 chapter 29 . 11/26/2019
...Shit. Toga of all people.

Ick. See a shrink, lady.

Heh. Bakugou and the fourth wall. XD
darkpaladin89 chapter 28 . 11/26/2019

Took you long enough to figure that out!

The Dragon Balls, dear Ochako-chan.

Why haven't they taught any of this to Yaoyorozu? I mean, she *is* of Vegeta's bloodline.

Mai is Yaoyorozu's great-grandmother?

Heh. Same old Pilaf.
darkpaladin89 chapter 27 . 11/26/2019
Hell of a strategist. Good thing he's such a cinnamon roll.

A Spirit Bomb. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Good going, Eri! :D
darkpaladin89 chapter 26 . 11/26/2019
...He skipped straight to SSJ2? Bitchin'.

Good save, Kendou.

I don't think those clones are meant to go after Izuku...
darkpaladin89 chapter 25 . 11/26/2019
...Shit. It had all of Cell's abilities the whole time too? No wonder Deku needed to be so OP.

Double shit.

That's not a Quirk. That's his exploding Ki.
darkpaladin89 chapter 24 . 11/26/2019

Ashido... You tried. With most anyone else, it would have worked.

Plus Ultra indeed.
darkpaladin89 chapter 23 . 11/26/2019
This is a double date, innit?

Mr. Boomboom Man. Hah! XD

Welp. Thaaaat's Deku's brother. (Still kind of weird that Goku could... while being dead.)

How the hell did she get Ms. Joke's DNA?

...Oh. *shudder*
darkpaladin89 chapter 22 . 11/26/2019
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear Bakugou was Vegeta's secret love-child. XD

Welp. That got awkward again. *snicker snicker*

What price do you suppose Aizawa will be extracting?

Well, at least no more of those abominations can be made.

This duel will certainly shake things up.

The fallout stands to be big.

Heh. A date. That wasn't what I expected.

That shut Mineta up for a while. XD
darkpaladin89 chapter 21 . 11/26/2019
Shit. It's in.

Yush! She's done it!

BURN! *rofl*

It would be a fitting end to Chisaki if not for the consequences.

...Son of a bitch.
darkpaladin89 chapter 20 . 11/26/2019
Losing his hands wasn't half harsh enough for what she went through.

Huh. I wouldn't have thought of that.

Them... against Gotenks? Hilarity is bound to ensue. XD

Poor Northie. *snort*

...That abomination is far too smart for its own good.
darkpaladin89 chapter 19 . 11/26/2019
Off they go.

He really is just like his dad. *snort*

No, Toshi, it's NOT your fault. AFO is just that much of a bastard.

Eri-chan... *hug*

No wonder Vegeta chose Bakugou. XD

Huh. I wonder what about Kendou caught Piccolo's attention?

Heh. Ochako-chan got her future brother-in-law. Who has probably been dead for at least a century. Which is hella weird.

Ooh, King Kai!

Northie is still holding that grudge, I see.

...I don't get it.

O hai Bubbles. :3

Whoops. :p

darkpaladin89 chapter 18 . 11/26/2019
Heh. Oblivious Hatsume is oblivious. XD

Nope. Not a Quirk.

So that's how the other three wound up in on it, and how All Might knows the Son family so well. (I found the sequel first.)

And the truth... is what put them together. D'aww! *diabeetus intensifies*
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