Reviews for I never liked Art in High School
Bri28 chapter 15 . 5/2/2010
I actually just started watching Highlander (I know, I know, I'm like two decades behind, but in my defense I turned three right around the time Highlander premiered...) and I wasn't actually planning on reading any fanfic, but then I was on your page, checking if you'd updated "Taken" and decided to try one out, since I love your NCIS fics. I was certainly not disappointed! I've quite a liking to Richie already and your fics just make him so much better! I love to see the focus on him and the Mac/Richie interaction is adorable! I really enjoy your style of writing. You have a real gift of making all the characters real and whole (Well, maybe not completely whole to start with... I mean how good can a story be if a character isn't incredibly broken? Then you get to fix them... and break them again and fix them and break them and fix them. It's a beautiful thing.) Anyway, I know it's been a long time since you wrote this, but I wanted to let you know that it's still being enjoyed. Thanks for a great story!
jlbrew23 chapter 1 . 5/15/2008
I've read all of your "younger" Richie stories and I've loved them. Do you think you could write some more? I'd love to read a new one from you.
Shadewolf7 chapter 15 . 6/21/2007
I like.
MagyarEagle chapter 15 . 3/11/2007
An old favorite of mine. One of the best highlander fics ever written, I love this story arc.
Lilrebelgirl chapter 15 . 7/22/2006
I've never read a highlander fic before, but I LOVED your NCIS story, so I decided to read your other ones, and I ended up really enjoying this fic.
sparkycola1 chapter 15 . 9/13/2004
i loved it! Yay for Richie angst! You know yours is the first highlander fic i've read, i hadn't even meant to read it i just kinda got hooked, and now you kept me up way too late when it's school tomorrow- but i'll forgive you since this fic rocks so much ;)

The Sailor Earth chapter 3 . 8/5/2004
Just so you know when I was reading your story again, because i like it so much, Buffy the Vampire Slayer didn't come out until 1997, unless of course you are talking about the movie which came out in 1992. I just wanted to point that out.

Sailor Earth

P.S. If I seem a little rude I am sorry I am just a Buffy aholic. Buffy & Angel FOREVER!
Ivy chapter 15 . 4/14/2004
I actually thought he'd go back to school with that title, but this was a great fic! I grinned and I felt for Richie, and I love the family business.
Aimless chapter 15 . 8/30/2003
I loved this story! I almost cried in the end when the emancipation papers showed up, but paperwork doesn't make a family. Emotions do, and honey, you got all of them right!

I loved how Mac's accent became stronger when his emotions were high. I never noticed that in the series. I'm going to have to pay closer attention. I also read several things in your stories that I've seen in other stories, but don't remember if they're cannon. Of course, I haven't seen the first two seasons in so many years that I can't remember much about the episodes. But, hey! I just ordered the DVDs and they should arrive in about a week so I can refresh my memory! Yippee!

I have to ask (and probably show how stupid I am), the burn on Richie's that cannon or something from your imagination? I'm such a hurt/comfort nut that the scene really caught my attention. I would love to see it expanded - or see it in an episode.

I'm off to read more. Keep the stories coming!
Dawn N chapter 15 . 6/9/2003
I loved this story! The family aspect of it was a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed the interactions between the characters - especially Tessa, Duncan and Richie. I also, enjoyed Connor. I'd love to see you continue it - at least through to the point Duncan wanted at the end (Richie to take on his last name). Good Job :) Keep writing!
Frek chapter 15 . 6/2/2003
Oh man, that was one incredible fic. The way you portrayed the characters was dead on, it almost felt like I was just reading a transcript from a real episode! If this was the first thing that you've posted then believe you me, you should keep writing, cuz you're good! Thank you so much for this fic, I can never get enough of little Richie fics!

The One and Only

adsh chapter 15 . 6/1/2003
how's this for a compliment...this story deserves a sequel ! This could even turn into a whole AU series if you are so inclined...even put it out for other writers to add to the "Richie is Duncan's kid" universe !
Slacker Queen chapter 15 . 5/31/2003
BRAVO! This fic was awesome! I enjoyed every single chapter. There were no bits that I didn't like. I loved everything. You are a great writer. Thanx for posting this fic!

I can't wait to start reading The Quickening again. :) LaterZ!
Spike's Girl chapter 15 . 5/30/2003
J'aime le fic! lol, it was all really really good. I'm sad it's over though. *sniff sniff* 'Course there is still The Quickening! Kay, so what I liked? Well I did love humor, that was great. And the interaction between Mac and Richie. And all the other parts. . .What I hated? Well I rather disliked the part when - just kidding! I loved it all! Keep writing fanfic!

~Spike's Girl the Seachelle
Spike's Girl chapter 14 . 5/30/2003
I loved this chapter! Lots of funny and really good. Thats also cool about brat. . .I can't write now, I gotta read the epilogue!
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