Reviews for Without Thinking
Transus chapter 21 . 7/20
The fanfiction's been amazing to read, and all of the characters really have been written inline with what you would expect from the anime/manga. The only thing that could be desired is more chapters...
KagamiPiyo chapter 21 . 6/22
Omg! This is so goood! Please please please update again, I want to know their friends reaction and so on. Teruhashi and Saiki are so cute together and I'm just dying!

I hope you didn't abandon this uwu
Aul chapter 8 . 6/16
It's very good. I don't know if I'm the only one but I find the same humor than in the manga and I like it very much. I don't know if it's your first story but it is really good.
Yare yare chapter 21 . 6/7

*heavy breathing*


. . .
. .
pretty please?
yare yare chapter 20 . 6/7
im actually snorting with laughter . . . XDDDDDDD
(no inspirational speech this time, srry)
yare yare chapter 19 . 6/7
when their love helps save the world.
everyone else: : OOOOOOOOOO
but for some reason, I can totally see that.
Now for the long paragraph
I don't think I have said this enough, but I REALLY love this story and am very happy with all this effort and love you have put into this story. You are a great writer. Don't deny it. Believe in yourself. There's no reason not to.

If people say they hate it, then, they do, I guess. But If they give you criticism, look for it, accept it, and try to improve that weak point. I think you are a great writer, I really do. As long as you improve, as long as you try, and as long as YOU love your writing, then keep writing. And a couple of people who like the story can't hurt, :)

Besides, you have an angel with sparkles and a devil with green-tinted glass watching you, making sure you finish their love story.
yare yare chapter 18 . 6/7
Can't wait for the next one author sama!
you're a great writer!
yare yare chapter 16 . 6/7
offu for you, saiki
yare yare chapter 15 . 6/7
soo goooooood
yare yare chapter 14 . 6/7
their hearts are broken.
They yearn to be together, but they can't
this is sad
and i wish they could be together
YaRE YAREEEEEE chapter 13 . 6/7
. . . . not at you, author sama.
I loved this chapter, and I still think this is a great story. ;D
Yare yare chapter 12 . 6/7
Chiyo: *peeks into room*
yare yare chapter 11 . 6/7
Teruhashi: *almost-kisses saiki*
stopped working
yare yare chapter 10 . 6/7
were gettn rejected love and newfound love on each sideeeeeeeeeeeee
author-sama, you sure know how to put a reader on their tip-toes
yare yare chapter 9 . 6/7
oooooooooooh . . . saiki . . .
I'm still laughing at this one line.
His mother clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, that'll be Kokomi-chan!"

Saiki spat his coffee all over the table.

Classic spit out drink, but it creates such a funny image in my mind of the usually null and void saiki spitting out coffee
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