Reviews for Crimson Dawn
Guest chapter 1 . 5/25/2019
Super interresting!
Wes1382 chapter 2 . 4/26/2019
I like your story so far. Really lookin forward to the next chapter.
I-Nex-I chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Agree with everything TC9078 said
Valkipher chapter 2 . 3/10/2019
Pretty good. I'll follow to see where this goes.
Bluecup22 chapter 2 . 3/8/2019
keep on with the good work
TC9078 chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
I left a thing on reddit on the overall story, but I'll leave my opinion on the chapter here:

None of the abuse towards Naruto was ever physical, like the knife- only way he would be cut like that is if he actually *did* steal the bread. If it ever did get physical, the ANBU would step in and a bloodbath would ensue. You don't attack the village nuke- that should be common knowledge. You also don't attack someone who is commonly seen with the military dictator of the village- that is just plain dumb.

If this happens at all, the ANBU should be marching in and asking some very pointed questions to the shopkeepers, with their weapons visible to make a point. The villagers can't do jack shit about it, they get to choose either having to serve the village nuke or leave the protection of the shinobi village. Any threat to the village nuke is also a threat to the village, after all, and Konoha is a military dictatorship with oligarchic aspects- they don't really get a say in any of this.

Rather, a more appropriate way for him to get that gash is him trying to escape by jumping through a window improperly to escape after stealing the bread (though, I could see this Naruto just dropping the required amount of ryo on the ground of the shop to make a point) due to being ripped off. I could see the shopkeeper chasing him (justified), but no one else would be stupid enough to try. Anyone who did ought to be expecting a visit from the ANBU later that night.

Now on Fox: I'm not entirely sure with him, but Naruto having at least one encouraging person in his life is nice. Hopefully he doesn't become a Gary Stu, like too many of these types of characters have.

I'll read the next chapter next and leave a review on that one, too.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2019

Beat up the demon, really?
It adds nothing to the story; Naruto suffers enough from being ostracized so it's really cringy for hik to be beaten up.
YeagerMeister31 chapter 2 . 2/28/2019
Well that was pretty cool can't wait for the next chapter and whom his teammates will be
Ginocide02 chapter 2 . 2/27/2019
This story is heading into an amazing direction. A calm Naruto with a sound mind, yet tasked with this sense of duty that makes him carry the burden he's curse with. I appreciate that you'd make it light-hearted, because I've read too many stories where the entirety of the narrative is just gruelling and grim. It makes it tiresome to read. I can't wait to see how you'd balance character death without being nonchalant or diving to deep into angst.
anarion87 chapter 2 . 2/27/2019
nice chapter
YeagerMeister31 chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
Well that was interesting and different wonder who this ANBU is and he wants to be a Jonin not Hokage that's new
anarion87 chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
nice so far
Ginocide02 chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
I'm excited to see where this goes. I've always loved the concept of a Minato-like Naruto with red hair. Many have attempted the premise, but I think PKSamurai's Tale of the Setting Sun is the best so far. Yours looks promising though
brodylopa chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
Is there going to be any romance in this?
JK10152 chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
Good start
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