Reviews for Blackfoot
ARSLOTHES chapter 8 . 2/17
Hope to see this updated again soon in the future
lucinamonettagarcia chapter 8 . 6/15/2019
Gosh, I just can't wait to see how his presence is going to affect the story when we get to the USJ Attack or the Sports Festival. Keep it up with the good work!
diddles321 chapter 8 . 5/23/2019
Quality of your writing has noticeably improved. Keep up the good work! :)
AlternateMirai chapter 6 . 4/12/2019
Holy crap I'm sooooo happy! this fic is complete GOLD! I've been wanting a good OC for this fandom for a while now and man am I happy with this outcome. Good job!

plz keep em coming... I survive off the lives of double fake people...
diddles321 chapter 7 . 4/3/2019
Im proud of you mate. You’ve tied up all the loose ends and did well with character development. Keep it up!
diddles321 chapter 5 . 3/19/2019
Second review after rereading chapter 6. First off, the way MC told his quirk to midoriya and ojiro now makes sense. The way you revealed the quirk is pretty good imo as you provided reasons as to why he hid it and is now revealing it. However, why did MC not go serious from the beginning? Also his personality changes right when he activates his quirk and goes serious. MC personality is inconsistent. Finally, what in the fuck is “Yah-haah!”? Thats got to be the gayest battle cry/catchphrase in the world. Is it “YAAAH!” but just weirdly spelt out? I’ll be honest with you i cringed and almost instantly dropped your fanfic as soon as i read that. The curiosity of what the MC’s quirk is made me stay.
diddles321 chapter 6 . 3/18/2019
I liked how you gave Aoyama more depth. But hiding the MC’s quirk so long was pretty stupid imo. You should e just normally introduce it in the quirk fitness test. Why did he whip out the quirk so late in the fight with Ojiro? He also acts unnecessarily secret with his quirk then suddenly starts explaining it to his classmate just because he asked... like what? Nice job on the quirk tho. Erasing distance is pretty cool. But since he is erasing distance why cant Ritchie just remove the distance between his fist/foot and his opponents face to 100% land head shots at any range? Since he can erase distance between two locations he should be able to remove the distance between his body and another object. This should also allow him to grab random shit in the environment like a steel pipe or opponents dropped weapon instantly. Anyways end of my long ass review. Tldr; i disagree with how you wrote the quirk reveal and fight but i think this fic got loads of potential. Keep it up! :)
AlexanderCard23 chapter 6 . 3/17/2019
This chapter was personally very unexpected. The fights in MHA tend to be fairly simple, just with incredible emotional stakes attached. On the opposite side of the spectrum, this fight had complex tactics, fighting styles, bluffs, and use of terrain. Yet despite all that, I never really felt confused at what was happening. If this much effort is put into a single, low-stakes battle, I'm really excited to see what is to come in later chapters.
IrisL'nfer chapter 1 . 2/21/2019
this is good. Is his quirk Teleport?
hinatayvonne chapter 2 . 2/8/2019
Waiitttt power four out of five! Thiss boy is strong!