Reviews for On a dangerous Path
Murasaki Dokugi chapter 24 . 2/16/2019
Oh, I remember about Axel's info to Sora in KH2, which is Saix got Kairi. But you manage to made me felt more sad about these nobodies-former best buds. I like your writing style. Please continue.
Murasaki Dokugi chapter 19 . 2/13/2019
Oh no... I smell something bad here. Poor Axel and Isa, they started to be torn apart from their friendship :'( I wonder if you wanted to create a speculation or theory about Janan/subject x's fate and made it into this fanfic on next chapters. Both her male friends really miss her. Keep writing!
Accelerator22 chapter 9 . 2/10/2019
Never mind. Sorry about the earlier comment. So this is AU. Got it.
Accelerator22 chapter 8 . 2/10/2019
Xehanort was the one who started the experiments. Ansem the Wise literally describes Xehanort as his first ever test subject.

No experiments happened until Xehanort arrived. So this makes no sense.

If this an AU with someone else being the bad guy. You haven't explained it. So this is just a giant plot hole.
Lt. Basil chapter 7 . 2/9/2019
I really love this work so far, it's awesome.

I've got a question though: when in Birth By Sleep does it imply that that was when Lea and Isa became apprentices? It's been awhile since I played that game so I maybe I'm missing something, but I was under the impression that that was they day they first broke into the castle, not the day that they started training under Ansem. I mean it DOES show Aeleus and Dilan throwing Isa and Lea out of the castle during the end credits. They probably wouldn't be doing that if Lea and Isa were apprentices.
Axel days chapter 7 . 2/9/2019
Actually birth by sleep doesn't indicate that Lea and Isa became apprentices.

It just implies they wanted to go to the castle. The ending literally shows Isa and Lea being kicked out by Aeleus.

Nothing implies they met X by then. You are pretty quick to jump to assumptions.
Shivii-Chan chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
love this! I am so curious about those secret reports, your story calms my curiosity in the mean time
Jikanet -The Assassin chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
Continue please! I want to see more of this story and I'm getting interesting
Murasaki Dokugi chapter 3 . 2/7/2019
Oh My... This is great! I love how you imagining these things based from Saix secret report in KH3. Please continue