Reviews for Pains and Claims - Solangelo
Guest chapter 13 . 10/4
Name: Lukas Gold
nickname: Luke
age: 14
birthday: December 25
gender: female
godly parent: Zeus or the titan Mnemosyne
hair color: blonde with gold streaks
eye color: electric blue
bad habits: curses...a lot
fatal flaw: cannot back down/refuses to concede
personality: funny, playful, kinda dark, skilled
powers: can manipulate/erase/change memories, invade minds, is an empath
weapons: sword dagger or throwing knives
strengths: good at interpreting others emotions, getting away with pranks, lying (mostly to himself)
likes: the colors black and dark blue, foxes, people, brownies, ice cream, pranking people
weaknesses: claustrophobic, his (adopted) father
dislikes: the colors pink, ducks, watermelon candy, being pranked
friends: idk but he can make friends very quickly
enemies: no-one specific
ADHD and Dyslexia (hes kinda insecure about it)
can they be in a relationship with the other OC I created (Arria Silvers)
personal history: abused by (adopted ) father.
secrets: he was abused. he murdered his (adopted) father.
depends. I think he is an extrovert?

again. im not sure if ur still accepting OCs but here ya go. :) if you accept these you will be the first person to every accept my OCs.

Guest chapter 13 . 10/4
name: Arria Silvers
nickname: Stelle
Age: 11
birthday: may 21
gender: female
godly parent: Hades? or Apollo? Or the roman goddess Bellona? (that might be interesting...if she was at the wrong camp...)
hair color: black with silver tips (the silver is somehow just the color of her hair)
eye color: icy blue
bad habits: cuts self
fatal flaw: she will suffer through anything to save her friends.
personality: scared but tries to hide it. nice once you get to know her
powers: can she have telepathy? or the ability to make people feel extreme pain? or does it have to relate to parent?
weapon: throwing stars or two swords
strengths: hiding, lying, acting,
likes: the color silver. dogs. water. wolves.
weaknesses: is scared of dark. doesn't allow people to get close to her.
dislikes: the color pink. fire. needles. hellhounds. snakes. most people.
friends: Can she be friends with Will?
enemies: nobody specific
ADHD and Dyslexia
they don't hate their godly parent
Personsal history: she was orphaned and illegally sold to a family as a slave. They abused her and used her like a servant. because of this she doesn't like people. refuses to tell anyone anything about her past.A different slave, (her older sister, Estelle) taught her how to fight. she escaped them.
Secrets: she was abused. She was a slave.

idk if ur still accepting OCs but if you are, here ya go?
freakyHadeschild chapter 2 . 12/16/2019
idk sho, it was an OC request
Plaggfan1 chapter 21 . 12/15/2019
Plaggfan1 chapter 20 . 11/26/2019
Wait... felix like PEWDIPIE?
Nightshade494 chapter 19 . 9/23/2019
Ohhh! I love the chapter and can't wait to see what you write next! hmmmm But I wonder who those new charters could be? *cough totally not my OCs cough*
Plaggfan1 chapter 19 . 9/21/2019
Awww... this is both sad and sweet
nicjosiahblue chapter 17 . 7/31/2019
Character name: Aelynn Hunter
Eyes: Violet
Hair: black and blue
Scars: none
Addictions: Vaping
Daughter of Hecate
Lover: Rhys
Clothes: Black skinny jeans, top t-shirt, beanie, converse
Weapons: daggers strapped to thighs
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
This is awesome!
freakyHadeschild chapter 16 . 6/19/2019
Okay, so can you guys please submit the OCs over PM if you can, I understand if you can’t If your a guest but otherwise, yeah. I just don’t want anyone stealing them or something like that. Anyways, thanks ! ~luka/lyz
Plaggfan1 chapter 16 . 6/13/2019
name: Thomas Neo
nicknames: Al, Tom
age: 15
birthday: 2007/5/13
gender: male
sexuality: straight
godly parent: Tartarus
hair color/length/texture: white, ear length, soft
eye color and type/glasses?: black/ slits
tattoos/peircings/scars: scars on eyes
other apperance: (optional) all black, black aura
clothing: all black
music: rock
good/bad habits: destroying things
FAtal flaw: ego
Personality: dark
quirks: none
abbilities/powers: can summon monster, and titans(bad or good)
weapon: spear
strengths: super agile, strong, and intelligent
likes: food, demons
weakness: bugs, grass
dislikes: any demigod( except Shoto and Eliza)
family: Shoto
best friend/friends: None
enemies: Percy and all gods
ADHD or dyslexia?:both
how do they like their godly parent? He serves him
how do they like camp? They don’t go there
are they in a relationship?: not yet
personal history: the
secrets:is good on the inside
introvert or extrovert?: in
nicjosiahblue chapter 16 . 5/22/2019
Omg I love him thank you so so much
edin chapter 16 . 5/17/2019
this was awesome! Please write more!
Nic chapter 12 . 5/16/2019
Trans FTM
Storm grey eyes
Blue/teal hair (crew cut)
Fave color blue
Parent: Athena
000 Nico di Angelo 000 chapter 16 . 5/17/2019
yay my oc was in here!
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