Reviews for The Winds Have Changed
jellybeansinabottle chapter 25 . 9/6
Stayed up all night to binge read this! I love the dynamics of Sakura’s relationship with Gaara!
Distant Voice chapter 25 . 1/11
Finally able to catch up on your updates! The development you are building is intriguing, makes me curious what’s going to happen next for the characters. It feels unpredictable and exciting. I’m so partial to GaaSaku that I’m getting nervous about the interactions between Sasori and Sakura and how that will affect the relationship for my favorite ship. Ah, I’m enjoying these tender GaaSaku moments you are writing and hope to see more of them.
Guest chapter 25 . 1/7
This is such a fun fic! I love that you’ve written such a substantial story with Sakura and Gaara.

I think you’ve developed the story very well - you’ve managed the flashbacks and the developing story lines very well. The characterisations are great and believeble too. It’s such a shame you don’t have more reviews! You definitely deserve them!

The only thing I would say is be mindful of proof reading. Some of your sentences don’t quite make sense. Other than that; fantastic writing! Thanks for what you’ve written so far and best of luck for writing the next chapters

Thanks, El.
Aya chapter 25 . 1/1
This was a good chapter I enjoyed it. Wisteria also wasnt a total twat this chapter as per the usual.. lol
jacpin2002 chapter 25 . 12/30/2019
Uh oh. I'm confused. Is Gaasaku together or not? Man oh man... I'm rooting for Sakura to just take both red heads, and get rid of wisteria.
jacpin2002 chapter 24 . 12/30/2019
I have a feeling that Gaara is crazy to think that being around wisteria is going to let him keep Sakura. Not good at all. Point to Sasori in this chapter.
Aya chapter 24 . 12/1/2019
I hate Wisteria tbh... lol. I find her character very annoying and I really hope the obsession with her father destroys her. Ordering the Kazekage around? Dang, girl, you're walking on thin ice there. Makes Gaara look like he doesn't have a backbone.

I also really want to see more interaction with Gaara and Sakura.. like the romancey/fluffy stuff that is part of your genre.
DragonCurse4 chapter 24 . 11/30/2019
Okay, now I'm just hoping this will turn into a SasoSaku fic proper. Lol
Distant Voice chapter 23 . 11/24/2019
Oooh this is gonna be interesting dynamics with the this traveling pack. I’m curious to see what you plan to do with Sakura and Sasori and what their relationship will be. Thanks for the update!
Guest chapter 23 . 11/16/2019
Not going to lie I really dislike Wisteria. She just seems sketchy every time she shows up. Will have to see what role she will play down the line.

Would also love to see some more GaaSaku romance.
jacpin2002 chapter 23 . 11/16/2019
The banter between Gaara and Sasori give me life! Now, I really want to know Sakura's realization about what she wants from Sasori. Dare she actually believe that she wants him for mind and body. Was she just replacing Sasori with Gaara because she thought Sasori was dead? Hmmmm...was Wisteria trying to claim Gaara just now? I sense a four-way romantic brawl about to go down.
Distant Voice chapter 22 . 10/17/2019
Thanks so much for the updates. :) Really enjoying the banters that are happening all around. Clever and imaginative. Can’t wait to see what else awaits these three next!
jacpin2002 chapter 22 . 10/15/2019
I'm not giving up hope that Sasori is interested in Sakura romantically. But Gaara must do better when dealing with him. Sakura is not as gullible as they think.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/14/2019
Did she really cheated on gaara or not?
HollyNinetales chapter 22 . 10/14/2019
Gaara's letter to Kankuro was very cute.
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