Reviews for Still Breathing
TwilightHybrid chapter 7 . 7/11
Oh shit Caroline has found out. Can't wait to see how this conversation is gonna go. Will Klaus be honest or continue to tell her its nothing? And how will Caroline react to knowing that Katherine knew as well?
Livvea chapter 8 . 4/18
Omg! Is Andre Nadia’s father? Poor Kat. That SOB deserved it.
salazarjasam chapter 8 . 4/6
Glad you're back...loved those two chapters Kat is badass
Livvea chapter 6 . 12/10/2019
I’m so in love with this fic. I really want to know more about what Caroline is.
TigerArrowgirl chapter 6 . 8/3/2019
Holy shit! Please update soon. I love the whole way you have this played out. I really can't wait for what happens next. And that whole thing with the word, I can't find out what it means. The only thing is that Caroline is somewhat not human, to begin with from my understanding! And I love that fact Katherine is kind of mothing her and Nadia. So please update.
TwilightHybrid chapter 6 . 7/28/2019
I love that Caroline is accepting her human side and I can't wait for her and Klaus to finally acknowledge their feelings for one another and be together. I know right now they are questioning whether or not they can have a life together by her being human but I know they'll get past it. But I wish Katherine and Klaus will tell her exactly what she is, dont leave her in the dark about it otherwise she'll be pissed. Update Soon!
jenniferfornlof chapter 6 . 7/22/2019
Noo I want more, but then again the moment when something happens between Klaus and Caroline will so be worth waiting for
And as always a awesome and well written chapter that leaves us wanting more
madrebelhunter chapter 6 . 7/21/2019


then to follow it up with the walk out stutter leading to speak alone which ended disheveled Katerina

Plus the cutsey heart to heart with klaroline& I'm dying to know what she is & how she'll react to them not telling right away
madrebelhunter chapter 5 . 7/1/2019
Love the cute moony eyed Klaus & love that he was first to figure out Davinas vision!

Although this chapter encompasses everything I love about Katerina!

Everything from teasy matchmaker, to heartbroken, to ultra protective aggravated mamma bear, flirty, and best of all she is Davinas godmother :D

I loved the reaction to the drawing of Kalijah & just how comfy she is around witches & their powers I think it's something not many remember about her that she like Kol often hung with witches
TwilightHybrid chapter 5 . 6/29/2019
No! Not the cliffhanger! Now I really want to know what Caroline is...Does Klaus have to answer? he must have if he can recall the stories Esther told them. If so, then he knows what she is but why is he disappointed about it? Is it a bad thing she's becoming? Will Klaus let everyone in the room know or will he wait til they (him, Katherine and now Nadia) go back to the mansion and reveals it with Caroline as well? This was pretty good! Please update soon!
caritobear chapter 5 . 6/28/2019
Omg! What is it?!
Thanks for update...i like so much Klaus and Kat working/ heating together.. They're fun to read!
And i loved Klaus pov! When he was looking at Caroline... Beautiful!
I'm so ready for the next one!;)
madrebelhunter chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
As much as I love this new telling this there is something that truly is bugging me more & more about this it's that Klaus is kinder to Katerina then Elijah!

She got revenge for Kol's death & gave him the cure string free in hopes he trust her feelings for him & what right does that give him if anything Katherine should be giving him the cold shoulder for hunting her trapping her in the cave and continuously rejecting/breaking her heart/not trusting her!
TwilightHybrid chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
Katherine always have something up her sleeve. That girl is a true survivor in 'The Vampire Diaries' history to me. It was nice of Caroline to bring something for Hayley and Klaus baby. Glad to see Caroline is willing to sweep what happen between her and Hayley under the rug. Just don't trust her fully yet Caroline! I hope in the next chapter before they go, Caroline and Klaus have a moment alone to talk to each other. I can't wait for more. I hope Caroline is not fully a human and like Katherine said, she's a different type of creature. Maybe the cure gave her god-like powers like Silas and Quesiah when they were back in their times. Or she could be an immortal human. And they (Caroline/Klaus) have a baby together (later on). My mind just ran away from me at that moment LOL. Update soon!
kueroyalt chapter 4 . 3/11/2019
Yeah for the update. I LOVED IT.
I expect nothing less from Caroline trying to extend the olive branch to Haley.
Shall Davina help?
TwilightHybrid chapter 3 . 2/25/2019
Poor Klaus! He has took Caroline being human again very hard. And I feel bad for him. Klaus assumed he had all the time in the world to woo Caroline to finally give him a chance and now that chance has been took away from him. I hope the witch Katherine knows can help Caroline. We need our epic love for Klaus and Caroline. Hell, we couldn't get it for the show. Update Soon!
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