Reviews for Rhythmic Contusions
Calmzone1 chapter 3 . 5/22
Good start, hope you can continue
Silvermane1 chapter 3 . 4/3
Fantastic update
AliceCullen3 chapter 3 . 4/3
Katiemoose chapter 2 . 12/13/2019
Great chapter. I look forward to Tony learning about what happened to Harry and Harry interacting with the other Avengers.
AliceCullen3 chapter 1 . 5/2/2019
Jordansdevil chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
This seems interesting can’t wait to see where u go with it
ms.mary.mack chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
I’m so ridiculously intrigued by this! I hope there’s more soon!
virtualwrite chapter 1 . 2/6/2019
Nice chapter,thanks for sharing
Nemhain2009 chapter 1 . 2/2/2019
Looking forward to reading more!
Wollust chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
Interesting start. U got me addicted to that story. *kudo*
Liantei chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
oooh what a mysterious beginning! This has some serious potential! I look forward to seeing what you plan on doing with it :)