Reviews for This Can't Be The End
CheshireKitten22 chapter 1 . 4/22
You gave me hope for a happy ending only to pull it away at the last second...well sort of... I'm a pessimist so it's really hard for me to believe he survived. It's so well written and really is heartbreaking to read. Very well done.
classchic1 chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
I say: ...
Great job!
cosette141 chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
Awww this was so sad! :/ very well written, I really like how prominent Juliet was in his thoughts. They have such a strong friendship. Great job with this! :))
CastielBradbury chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
It was depressing but the writing was fantastic! He lives though. He's Lassie. ;)