Reviews for Naruto Lucifer
Gold Testament chapter 4 . 3/11
Okay is Grayfia married to Sirzechs or no? Also... Sona may need to keep an eye on Naruto, otherwise she'll wind up seeing her sister come to school just to drag Naruto out and make a claim on him.
fenixrojo36 chapter 5 . 1/26
agnar chapter 5 . 12/22/2019
ugh, if I wanted to read about a cocky, arrogant asshole, I'd go looking for fics with sasuke as the main character, rather than naruto.
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 4 . 11/17/2019
Great chapter.

Ooh good to see you are doing something with the power scales and their characteristics.
Kendri chapter 5 . 10/24/2019
No brooo por favor continĂșen son la historia y lo siento por mi inglĂ©s soy nuevo en usa y ahora es eso lo que entiendo. en ingles
Bigfoothunter92 chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
Hey Angron if the author wants to use Rias and Akeno for the pairing he can because it's his story and you don't like it that's your problem.
david.teague.3950 chapter 4 . 8/19/2019
Hey Just4 if you were to do a crossover of Naruto and High School DxD, and throw in some elements of Dragon Ball/Z/Super/GT by making Naruto a Human Saiyan Hybrid. Naruto with Asia's assistance recreates the Kaio-ken. Now depending on how you would do things Naruto could be the Wielder of the Boosted Gear which would get rid of the Oppai loving moron, or you could put them both on the same peerage by having Rias be in possession of a total of 9 mutation pieces her canon Bishop which went to Gasper, as well as 8 pawns.

Naruto's mother she's still Kushina but she's like a mix of Bulma, Dr. Briefs, and Gero, to the latter's end when Naruto was a babe after he was born Kushina developed a method that not only gave him cellular regeneration, but ensured that it would be genetic.

Kushina thanks to the Saiyan she had a tryst with was able to begin replicating various pieces of their tech from a specialized Energy scanner(think planetary scouter designed to take notice if someone with a lot of power like other Saiyan's or Frieza and his goons show up), Ki Guns, stretchable clothes(for when Naruto trains in his Oozarou form) but the biggest thing she creates is a Gravity Generator, the prototype only goes up to 50x but that's workable.

Now Naruto is born with magic, however his magic isn't the same type as the Magicians and Devils(only after he's reincarnated does he get that type of magic), with his magic he's capable of creating things from thin air from swords to clothes, both weighted and non-weighted. He incidentally interferes with Riser and Isabella who are trying to coerce Ni and Li into joining his peerage through force, he causes Isabella's close to weigh a good ton(she's a rook it shouldn't crush her sadly), and about half a ton on Riser and flame retardant judging by the fireball he was holding.
david.teague.3950 chapter 2 . 8/19/2019
Between you and me Just4fun I'm actually tired of seeing Asia with Issei. Usually when Naruto gets put into harem fics of this crossover type he's mostly paired with Rias, and Akeno it's like you can't have one without the other it's annoying I'd rather see Issei be dominated by Akeno. Anyways Naruto being paired with Asia, Rossweiss, Ravel, it would have been amusing if Naruto had gotten his hands on the Nekomata Twins Ni and Li, they look like they'd happily take to being treated as pets I mean they keep their cat features out then again they're not ashamed to be Yokai.
Captain-Mazahs chapter 5 . 8/13/2019
i look forward to reading the New/Rewritten story
Captain-Mazahs chapter 4 . 8/13/2019
love the chapter
Captain-Mazahs chapter 3 . 8/13/2019
nice chapter
Captain-Mazahs chapter 2 . 8/13/2019
love it
Captain-Mazahs chapter 1 . 8/13/2019
Great chapter
Toxin-Symbiote chapter 5 . 8/7/2019
i'm looking forward to reading the new story
Angron chapter 5 . 8/3/2019
for the rewrite I hope no harem or harem, it will be limited and especially NO Rias/Akeno! there are dozens of girls in Dxd but the authors always choose Rias and Akeno! only because of their Oppais I imagine?

you say that canon Naruto did not have justice but ... canon Issei also was not done any justice!

Issei is similar to Jiraya but without the badass side that accompanied him.
the author probably tried to correct this trait but it was too late!
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