Reviews for Wind in the Sails
Guest chapter 25 . 8/31
Please finish fast
Alexiz tutsi chapter 25 . 8/17
Esta bien la sigo amando
MariaJane716 chapter 25 . 8/17
Aaaahh you're back! Thank you for updating this wonderful story, I missed reading it. I really like Bella got confronted by her feelings (as well as Lizzy haha). I can't wait to see Jack's reaction when he finds out where she's from because he's obviously already suspecting something.
I hope you're doing well with all that's going on! I love your writing but your (mental) health comes first so no pressure with updates. I'll take what I can get :)
thewhiteangel213 chapter 25 . 8/17
thank you very much for the update :)
Buckhunter The Race Horse chapter 25 . 8/16
Glad that you're still here and adding to the story! I find the conversations between the movie scenes interesting.
ichbinnureinnutzer chapter 18 . 8/8
Okay, this is a lovely story. Arabella seems to be pretty useless though. Like she doesn't seem to be able to fit in or contribute at all. I get that you should be realistic when creating characters but so far she's only been struggling. Not to mention that a big part of the story so far seems to be just her seasickness.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/30
really really great and can't wait for the next one!
tamedbanshee chapter 24 . 5/31
I love this so much, Arabella is such an interesting character and her interactions and her point of view are so different to any other story I've read. I can't wait to see how she influences the upcoming events! Thank you so much for writing this and I hope you're keeping well!
GONEiam chapter 24 . 5/22
Really good story. I can’t wait to read more! Please update soon! :)
Guest chapter 24 . 5/17
Wow this is excellent! I hope you can update soon xx
Laurafxox chapter 24 . 4/10
This is a really good story! I like your oc and I like how she's actually traumatised from what she's seen. It's horrendous stuff and I like that it's weighing her down and isn't something she can't just brush off like a lot of other stories I've read. I also love the relationship that is growing between her and Jack as they navigate their feelings and secrets. I really enjoy this story and hope you update soon so I can see where you take it because the own things you've added have been super interesting to read!
Fantasy1411 chapter 24 . 3/11
You my friend are an amazing writer!I have not been able to put my phone down since starting this. Arabella's story is captivating and I lover her character and you've got Jack and all the others down perfectly in my opinion. I can't wait until we get into the romantic side of things for Bella (jack calling her this is so cute) and Jack ;)
Looking forward to the next chapter and hope to see it soon xx
TheLadyO chapter 24 . 2/21
Really love this story! Please update soon!
Cashagon chapter 24 . 2/19
I love this story.D Jack and Arabella's friendship is fantastic! I can definitely see this going somewhere. And she's so close to freeing Callisto... I wonder, when Arabella finishes her mission and has properly fallen for Sparrow, will she truly want to leave? Or will she decide to stay? Sounds like a tough decision. I look forward to reading how it all plays out.

Cash I'd out. Peace!
thewhiteangel213 chapter 24 . 2/19
thank you very very much for the update :)
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