Reviews for Pureblood - on hiatus
anananananyagalaxy chapter 7 . 7/30
I know you said that this story is on hiatus, but please consider updating it. It is honestly so incredible and I've been so hooked. I love the way you write the characters and the scenes, it's all just so perfect! I understand if you're really busy, but could you please post a small note on when (if) you're planning to update next or whether it's abandoned? Thanks, hope you have a nice day!
Memorable Mandy chapter 7 . 6/25
Loved this story.
natanaid chapter 1 . 5/18
just noticed it’s on hiatus, hope you come back to this one day. Love this story, hope to see how it turns out when Hermione find out when you return. Will be waiting for it.
The White Leopard chapter 7 . 5/14
I am intrigued. I've never read a story with quite this perspective of things. It's definitely keeping my eyes glued to the page, as it were. I'm feeling some serious empathy for Lucius and Narcissa and the charade they're forced to keep up, even in front of their child. I'm also wondering how Hermione is going to react to learning that her biological father is a Rosier and her mother, a Greengrass.

Also, the comment about godfathers being kept around to hide the bodies in the previous chapter made me laugh. I think Sirius would agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. XD

Anyway. I'm enjoying this very much and I look forward to seeing how Draco and Hermione's relationships and views evolve as they grow.
muddy superior chapter 7 . 5/11
Sing a song of shipping,
That'll make you cry,
Smart & decent Muggleborn,
Forced into this lie!

When the plot was opened
Readers began to wail ,
Coz they tried to stick her with Draco,
A total utter fail!

JK was in the World Bank,
Counting out her cash,
Despairing at this pairing,
That is completely trash!

Dramione authors were typing on the net,
Writing out their silly fics,
Never really realising yet,
They look like total dicks!

Sing of wish for filament,
That just goes on & on & on,
Coz so many of these shippers,
Just want to shag Tom Felt-on!

When this ship was ruined,
They began to scream,
As sane intelligent reviewers,
Poured scorn upon their dreams!

(this edited flame is a collaboration between those on hogwarts ***** ***** chatgroup 05/10/20
thanks to all involved)

paredescharlene chapter 7 . 5/5
Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next one.
nagi92 chapter 7 . 5/5
Great chapter!
Tara chapter 7 . 5/5
The hospital scene was an unexpected tender moment, I love that Hermione saw Draco with his guard down and that caresss...*Sigh*.
Can't wait to see if Lucius finds out who the elf mole is loyal to. Great chapter.
BlackFlowa77 chapter 7 . 5/5
Excellent update. Nice switching between points of view.
Rankin de Merthyr chapter 7 . 5/5
I really like this. There's too few HP fanfics where Lucius has his own battles while having a moral compass.
Rankin de Merthyr chapter 5 . 5/5
/go to school with kids in your year

Umm... Isn't that how it generally works? Granted, we mostly base it around summer. The only place I know of that starts and ends their school at January/December is Japan.
SorrowfulAnjel chapter 6 . 4/26
Love it!
Alexa SixT chapter 6 . 4/25
Thanks for update! Can’t wait for the next chapter.
natanaid chapter 6 . 4/25
great chap can’t wait for more
Elladora chapter 6 . 4/23
I really enjoy the pacing and the fleshing out of the characters.
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