Reviews for Harry Potter And The Beauxbatons Acceptance
The Real Hell Fire chapter 18 . 7/5
Is this story still being worked on?
Rumjunkie chapter 1 . 6/28
Auror - magical police
Not Aura, which is something like a magical aura around an object.
DemetriLover28 chapter 18 . 6/9
I hope you put the sequel up soon. I really liked this story.
grenouille7777 chapter 18 . 5/17
Ending a fic with a cliffie? Evil, aren't you? Especially as it's been 6 months. Decent story othrwise. Hope you continue with the sequel soon.
EmperorGhoul chapter 12 . 5/9
Wanted posters are horrible. They pretty much say hey look run away your not welcome here. So Dumb
EmperorGhoul chapter 3 . 5/9
stop with the extra letters. you can express things like thins. "Okay!" he pouted.
Augustas Autumns chapter 14 . 5/3
interesting parental use: have your child take a sweet popcorn popper and eat their vegetables.
g chapter 18 . 4/27
these two mf need 2 bullets two the head
Vampireking40 chapter 18 . 3/2
I hope there is a sequel and Harry gets rescued from his captors.
KarisTasogare chapter 8 . 3/2
I (generally) find this an enjoyable read, but there are a few problems.
some scenes/events just seem (overtly) contrived to make certain characters seem far more evil (the hidden room at the Burrow, albus' plans for Sirus) and other just don't scan. One such example (which prompted this review) was the 'guest list' at the Birthday Party. I had no issue at first, and could accept Neville being there, given he and Harry had/should have had a connection, and while less so, Susan Bones also was not unbelievable. Then Hagrid introduced himself, followed by Minerva, and it just didn't work. Both of them are VERY connected to Albus, but more over are Staff at a school Harry doesn't yet attend. Neither would have any reason for being there, or acceptuing the invitation, barr trying to latch on to a celebraty.
kimberly.clarkposey chapter 18 . 2/17
Hi. I just finished reading this story and was wondering when you are going to post the sequel for it. Thanks. I really liked this one would love to know what happens next. Thanks again.
themaestro1 chapter 9 . 1/15
May i suggest making fleur and gabby's maternal grandfather famous conductor herbert von karajan?
Bronzerider R'na chapter 18 . 1/7
A cliffhanger you sir are a cad!
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 18 . 12/15/2019
I Checked there is no Sequal to this Story and I hate all this bullshit The Dursleys Should have been brought up on charges right away And been locked up this preventing part of this problem. Plus All of the Potter Assets should have been reviewed including knowing about all properties Which include Businesses he owns. And have it to where Harry owns Grunnings and Number 4 Privet Drive. So Harry can order Vernon's Firing and evict The Dursleys from the House.

As for Dumbledore A Petronas Needs Needs to be sent To Amelia and A joint Operation with The French DMLE along with The Queens Law Enforcement to Takedown Dumbledore and Snape and The Dursleys along with clean up The British Ministry For Magic of all the Corruption and Nail every damned Death Eater. Plus the Unspeakables need to use That damaged Horcrux to Locate all the Others along Voldemort's Wraith Once they are all found they need to be utterly destroyed. Plus Dumbledore 8s to damned Delusional and corrupt and needs to be Executed. no Exceptions And Snape is so damned full of himself and twisted Morally. Plus I would like to See The Spirits of James and Lily be allowed to come back and give and Earful but yet they have Some Angels with them to carry out the Judgements Of God on everyone who ass did something Wrong and don't seem to get it and would continue to do do so. Murders Executed. Those who continue to use their magic in the wrong way such as to try and control. and dominate over others and t9 discriminate are to lose their magic. And at the same time go over all the Law Concerning Magicals with the Queen to revoke keep or change to meet what The Heavenly Father intended and at the Same time review and do the same Concerning Mundane Laws that concern everyone which includes how the Father really wants worship to really be conducted along with all the holidays and holy days since they are not as they are supposed to be as written in scripture, to begin with, such as changing Worship from Saturday the Seventh day of the week to that of Sunday the First Day of the Week against Gods Law For which The Roman Catholic Church is responsible for and all the Other denominational followed except for a few who went back to the Seventh-day Sabbath as it is supposed to be. In fact, so many Christians and their leaders are in so much trouble it isn't funny. Plus there are many Translators of the Bible who are also in so much trouble as well because of what they have done because to mess with the Bible by adding and taking away from what it really says especially when people bother to do their homework and research and there are many passages that say something completely different from what the Originals actually say when you take a look at the original languages in which they where originally written. But thankfully their people out there who are trying to set things right by making Parallel Bibles to show the Original with the Translation next to it. Along with some versions that Even show The Word for Word Transition with the Original on top with its foreign equivalent underneath with the cleaned-up translation to the side for correct grammar. Because I remember sitting down with Dictionaries and lexicons to get to the truth written in scripture and let's just say that that I was royally pissed with the amount of deception in may translations. On top of taking a look at the teaching and beliefs of Much Christian Denomination in conjunction with what is really written, it is really disgusting. So in many cases, people are better off studying on their own in prayer or in small study groups with like-minded people who just want to get to the truth of things and worship in spirit and truth rather than all the false bullshit they are fed in many churches. Plus when it comes to the Scriptures you are given both the good and the bad of ancient history of the Nations covered way back when none of the History as written by the winners crap and not getting both sides of the story.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 11 . 12/15/2019
With everything, I would make it to where the other kids don't go to Hogwarts instead Have them all go to Beauxbaton Academy of Magic.
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