Reviews for Rules Don't Apply
FemenistBellaSwan chapter 9 . 8/31
Loved these two awww
CayStar chapter 9 . 8/14
Loved the story! It was very different from anything else I’ve read and I always appreciate that. You’re a great writer!
CayStar chapter 5 . 8/14
I feel bad about reading this far and not reviewing but this story just sucked me in! The characters have so much depth and I absolutely adore your Bella.

I guess we all have creepy family members/ family friends who like to push the envelope. Makes you wonder how many sickos are actually out there. That’s one thing I’ve been very transparent with my kids about- I am on their side against absolutely anyone.
Isao84 chapter 9 . 6/17
How sweet! Iloved this story.
Anonymous1511 chapter 1 . 4/21
An excellent first chapter. I really didn't mind the length. And I love this Bella. You're an amazing writer and this story is seriously underappreciated in my opinion. Hope to see more of you... Best of luck with your writing.
JuleKiwi chapter 9 . 2/14
Such a cute fic! I really loved watching your Bella and Edward grow together.
Periwinkleeblue chapter 9 . 11/29/2019
You are an amazing writer. Goddamit this story made me feel lits of things yknow likeoh my god the broke up” to “aww they’re back together” to “?!” LIKE SERIOUSLY YOU ARE SO GODDAMN FANTASTIC this story jusg became one of my favourite story and the best version of bella i have ever read. Thank you for writing this
klel323 chapter 8 . 10/14/2019
This was probably one of my favorite chapters. Bella was jus so adorable... well Edward was too. Bravo!
twidorkxx16 chapter 9 . 10/12/2019
This was such a good read! I loved how recent the timeline was for the college/post-college B and E so I felt like I could relate with them. I also loved how you were able to write the normal progress of their relationship from friends to lovers without making it feel rushed or forced. So cute! So happy with the ending. Thank you!
la-geologia chapter 9 . 8/9/2019
Holy freaking cow... This is absolutely one of the best and one of my most favorite stories I've ever read! I can't even tell you how much this story touched my heart. I loved it so so much! I laughed, I cried, and I felt so deeply grateful to be going along on this journey with these characters. I feel like I know them, like they're my own friends and family. You are such a truly talented writer. I can't remember the last time I read a story that I felt this emotionally connected to. Thank you so very much for sharing this incredible fic with us! I know it's going to be one I re-read again and again.

P.S. Dang, girl, you write some really great lemons! Hands down, some of my favorites that I've ever read. I just about died when Bella accidently pees a little! That was pretty much the best ever. LOL! I just loved absolutely everything about this Bella in general. I want to be the third in her and Emmett's best friend group so badly! ... Also the part where be Bella gets mad at Edward for eating her chocolate! LMAO... Seriously just THANK YOU! This story is a gift, I couldn't love it more, and I am so stinking excited to read your other stories next. :)
Illusion OfHappiness1975 chapter 9 . 8/2/2019
The fact that they kept all their friendships intact is so lovely. It’s hard enough to do when you live in the same suburb let alone a different state. This was a fantastic story. I’m so sad it’s over. I could quite happily read a new story about their kids with them as background characters.
Illusion OfHappiness1975 chapter 8 . 8/2/2019
Edwards a sneaky lovable shit. I have no idea about geography in the US. But I’m glad they are expanding their worlds at the same time as keeping it together.
Illusion OfHappiness1975 chapter 7 . 8/2/2019
My heart breaks but it was so necessary. I love Seth sooo much.
Illusion OfHappiness1975 chapter 6 . 8/2/2019
Edwards such a charmer. But I understand the Momoa.
Illusion OfHappiness1975 chapter 5 . 8/2/2019
She doesn’t have all the answers yet which is so appropriate. She’s a college student who knows when to ask for help. I’m glad that she recognised they needed outside help.
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