Reviews for Shinobi
Chauncey Cardinal chapter 3 . 7/29
I like it when are you going to make more chapter's
kistunenaruto chapter 11 . 5/7
Hey wondering if we can get the next chapter here please kind of need my naruto x Ruby pairing fix over here.
merendinoemiliano chapter 11 . 3/16
Return soon. Aniway, for Aura I guess is base spiritual energy as Shinobi use it pretty boosted, making already their justsu way more powerful.
Darth Tenibris2 chapter 11 . 10/27/2019
So instead of an actually interesting and original Idea that is both well written and captivating, you focus on something fully worse. What an even bigger disappointment.
TheFirstSpectator chapter 11 . 10/10/2019
Masquer Q chapter 11 . 9/18/2019
Kinda funny how one of the best shinobi got knocked around by a huntress in training, even if it was when he was tired. I'll await the next chapter for however long it will be. Thanks for the treat.
Masquer Q chapter 8 . 9/18/2019
There's a difference between honorifics for brothers and sisters.: Nii and Nee. Though I guess a lot of people already pointed that out.
Zen-Aku The Spirit Of The Wolf chapter 8 . 8/31/2019
nichan? first up its nii and second nee is used for sister
Zen-Aku The Spirit Of The Wolf chapter 4 . 8/30/2019
thats it? seventy? these people cross entire countries in the span of hours to days on foot and minato "the fastest shinobi alive" namikaze has a max speed of 70mph?
Zen-Aku The Spirit Of The Wolf chapter 4 . 8/30/2019
bleh, bad foreshadow
Zen-Aku The Spirit Of The Wolf chapter 2 . 8/30/2019
pretty sure jikukan is not the word for the jutsu style and rather just for space time in general. also noticed the arc reference
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 11 . 8/17/2019
Good job keep it up
Guest chapter 11 . 7/27/2019
No idea about the who're thing with Yang that the one person commented about but I suppose I can see where that concern comes in. It's not just in RWBY crossovers but regular stories to where it's common to see the authors portray poor Yang as the stereotypical blonde slut who goes after and flirts with every hot guy she sees. To be honest, I do find that insulting because I have two naturally blonde sisters and they don't do that. Heck! They can't even talk to a guy without getting all shy!

I have a question. Actually a few that hopefully you can answer in the next update if that's alright.

1. Will the the teams, RWBY and JNPR, get trained in the ninja way?

2. Will Summer still be alive in this story?

3. Will Ruby still have her role in this story as she does in the actual series?
I'm sorry if that seems pushy I'm just kind of afraid that she might get shoved off to the side while Naruto or a oc or one of the other RWBY characters take the lime light, I've seen this happen in many fanfictions... especially when authors magically give Naruto Silver Eyes or bring in a oc out of nowhere with those features

4. Will we be seeing anymore ninjas from the Naruto universe or is that a surprise?
Guest chapter 10 . 7/27/2019
It was the red in Ruby's hair, wasn't it? I knew it, it was the red in Ruby's bloody hair.
supboyyyyy93 chapter 11 . 7/27/2019
Damn, i got to say, this story got me hype. I hope it gets update soon but for now i agree you should focus on one story at a time. I'm going to be excited for this story when it's this story's turn.
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