Reviews for You're A Bad Wolf Rose Tyler
Phillipe363 chapter 1 . 1/20
Enjoyable story

Man so good to see Donna put Rose on the spot for calling her out on Rose's actions for hurting the Doctor further and the meta crisis Doctor to. Rose's character of she was fine starting out but ended up with some very horrible writing that turned her into a clingy, very selfish and jealous person.

For all the cry baby Rose fans go get a life and go read the millions of Doctor/Rose fics out there leave the fans who dare to try something different, alone.

Keep on writing and ignoring them

Good fic
DannieLawman1995 chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Frankly, I fail to see how the Doctor can be hurt and Donna furious by Rose's reactions here. She spent YEARS trying to escape that world and get back only for them to turn around and put her right back to where she started after being told by the Doctor himself years ago that he would never abandon her like he did with Sarah Jane. They put her back, explained she was staying with a flimsy excuse as to why without even taking into consideration what she wanted, PUSHED her towards the other version of him with Donna INSISTING it was better then abandoned her there.

So I'm confused as to why after all that Rose was in the wrong and them being hurt/pissed with her. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Neither had any right to have a go at her when she was just taking what they were leaving her with. They LEFT her behind with a poor shitty excuse and expected her to be ok with it when she didn't even wanna stay there, didn't ask for her opinion on things and did exactly what they wanted her to do in the end. The sheer audacity of it! The pure nerve! I honestly don't give a crap how he felt watching her kiss someone else. It was his fault.
Zarius chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
Re: Hate to leave a reply this way, but since you don't have contact details, this will have to do

Good. An averse reaction is better than none.

And frankly, if there wasn't so much "poor writing" in RTD's version of this episode, this fic would never have been an inkling. I feel this is the sort of predicament that Donna Noble would have no issue protesting about. She would not stand to see the Doctor's emotions toyed with in such a fashion. Some things do need saying. Also, you'll notice she waits for The Doctor to be safely behind the TARDIS before she even utters these firm but just words to the chav supremo, she would be kind enough not to permit the Doctor access to any more drama, and knew he would disapprove of her giving Rose a verbal pasting.

Six favourites on this fic so far. Numbers don't lie, people like this story, so what you conceive as "poor" only serves to enrich me, as it proves I can be polarising with my creative choices. Your fire is my fuel, and I regret nothing.
Reagan Adler chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
I quite honestly never comment, but I had such a strong averse reaction to this I had to write something. Upon reading what you had Donna say to Rose I gasped and said (out loud) “oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Your personal feelings for Rose aside, clearly you’re a fan of Donna and you have to know that there is simply no possible way she would speak with such vitriolic intent. There is potentially a way to write this kind of twist and have it make sense (for example: Donna doesn’t say the words to Rose she just thinks them (but even then it wouldn’t be as nasty as this, her anger would stem from heartbreak for the Doctor or something far more “Donna”) as she reenters the TARDIS and looks back one last time as Rose breaks off the kiss and realises her mistake (see? This way you even get to have Rose regret her decision because you are obviously intent that she ends up miserable)) But having Donna actively scold Rose is a complete misrepresentation of her character and poor writing.
TheRoadtoHell666 chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
Wow, so the Doctor and Donna have the audacity to abandon her in place she doesn’t want to stay, in a place she has tried to escape for years, and then Donna has the gall to act like Rose is the bad one because she accepted what they both were trying to do. Fuck, how the Doctor feels seeing Rose kiss some else (someone he was pushing her to quite obviously) has no comparison to being literally exiled by the one you love. Sorry, Donna had no right to act that way.