Reviews for No Port in the Storm
Issexwithyourcloneincest chapter 1 . 12/22/2019
no just no. You need to think well. Hinatas reasons are shit and Naruto just accepting a bastard while the father is alive is unrealistic and dumb. it's very obvious that you just hate Naruto and have a crush on sasuke. Even kurama, an uchiha hater who has been with Naruto all his life just tells him to accept it is just as stupid. Fics like this nauseates me. I have nothing against sasuhina but fics where People have fun with each other at narutos expense just wrong.
Darkuro chapter 5 . 11/25/2019
Even for a fanfic, the dialogues are terrible and out of character. Mostly Kurama. Hinata's reasons for having sex with Sasuke are incredibly cheap and makes no sense. Naruto is the “protagonist” but has no agency whatsoever and Sasuke is the one who moves the plot forward. Hinata is a cruel bitch in this. Asking a man to raise another man child is one of the most sick, cruel and disturbing things you can do to a man. But Sasuke and Hinata demands that the child should live and Naruto just accepts it.

You enjoy humiliating Naruto as much as possible as seen in Safe Travels where Naruto watched, excited, Sasuke and Hinata having sex. This is disgusting and sick. So why did you bother writing this piece of shit if you don't like Naruto or NaruHina? We are not dumb.

1/10, terrible plot and characters. Get some help.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
Why did you write this version of story when the Sasuke's and Hinata's one ended so beautifully? Sasuke and Sakura has no chemistry. He didn't love her. And don't tell me Sasuke and Hinata have no feeling's for each other after sleeping with each other. And Hinata would be stupid to give up her baby to Sasuke to raise after she gives birth, just because Naruto selfishly doesn't want Sasuke around her after the baby is borned. If she is the caring person that she is, she would raise the baby and let Sasuke get a chance to know his daughter.

Naruto and Sakura has only themselves to blame for giving Sasuke and Hinata a chance to be intimate. Especially Naruto, for putting off Hinata as a fall back in case Sakura takes interest in him instead of Sasuke. Naruto don't deserve Hinata.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/9/2019
I rather see Sasuke and Hinata end up together.
satomika chapter 5 . 8/6/2019
I think everything was fine except when I read “Sakura”. Even though the main characters are Hinata and Naruto, and of course, at least a Sasuke POV which you’ve already provided, I think it would still have gone ok if Sakura wasn’t mentioned.


I hope you update soon!
ThisIsMe79 chapter 5 . 3/24/2019
It’s a really good story, I love it. I just wish it would end in SasuHina lol
Guest chapter 4 . 2/26/2019
Loving the angst
Guest chapter 3 . 2/26/2019
Great chapter
Undercoverbarbie chapter 4 . 1/31/2019
Hinata is so naive...did she seriously she can just hand Sasuke a baby she carried for 9 months -JOKES
Undercoverbarbie chapter 3 . 1/31/2019
damnn Hinata!
muzicaldove chapter 5 . 1/25/2019
please continue this story... I'd love to see a happy ending for NaruHina, SasuSaku, SasuNaru, SakuHina, and HinaBaby (honestly, despite her saying that she wouldn't want to raise it, and Naruto saying he wouldn't want to, they aren't those types of people and I think they would eventually change their minds as she got closer to delivery). I loved Safe Travels, and I've loved this story so far, so please come back.
abdulmohamud123 chapter 5 . 1/25/2019
Your story has an Interesting premise but it’s clearly written in bad faith I think a much better writer than yourself would be able to make this work
Heydaypaydaymayday chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
“Naruto takes hard L’s”
What kind of idiot views writing in terms of wins and losses? The people who worship certain characters to the point they’re willing to forgo the story are brain-dead
You really shouldn’t be writing if that’s how you approach storytelling
colorgirl3000 chapter 5 . 1/20/2019
Naruto takes hard L’s for being an oblivious idiot. Sasuke bout to take this hard W because his children are finna be beautiful.
Moresbp chapter 1 . 1/18/2019
This is genuinely one of the worst stories I’ve ever read on this site one of the three principle character has no agency and the other two are fun house mirror versions of themselves all this story does is highlight your unhealthy obsession with Sasuke
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