Reviews for A Little Pinch
TearsofMorning chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
Awww, this was so sweet! And such a clever idea too! Loved it!
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 8/22/2019
This was so adorable! I love these two and this was such a nice take on the soulmate AUs.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
This was AMAZINGGVG loved reading this so much!
Crascutin Fanfiction chapter 1 . 12/31/2018
I do not know how your creative idea came about, but I liked it! Congratulations on thinking of something cliché, but fantastic. I like 'silly' novels... LOL (compliment).
And happy New Year! (I'm writing this at 01:06 AM on 01/01/2019 here in Brazil).
Much health, peace, happiness and love in your life! And may our God always care and enlighten your steps on this journey that is to live.
Não sei como surgiu essa sua ideia criativa, mas eu gostei! Parabéns por ter pensado em algo clichê, mas fantástico. Eu gosto de romances bobinhos... LOL
E feliz ano novo! (Eu estou escrevendo isso as 01:06 AM de 01/01/2019 aqui no Brasil).
Muita saúde, paz, felicidade e amor em sua vida! E que nosso Deus sempre cuide e ilumine os teus passos nessa jornada que é viver.
alightintheshadows chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
This was a very interesting concept, and you wrote it very well! I thought the connection between Ed and Winry was quite adorable, especially when Ed got worried and promised to start being more careful for Winry so she wouldn't feel as much pain. That was so heckin cute. Ed feeling Winry's stomach cramps made me chuckle a bit. Anyways, excellent work!
IarIz chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
xD scream Ed. hahaha
Guest chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
That’s so fucking funny that Ed also feels childbirth it’s just like a try guy video
edxwin-elric chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
I love this. Thank you for writing it. It’s amazing.