Reviews for The Cop and the Psychic
Nissa-Cullen chapter 11 . 10/3
What is the smell? If they could figure out what it is then they might be able to get closer to him and figure out where he is.
karen4honor chapter 11 . 9/24
Ooooo, and hmmmmm... How would the killer's smell get on a packet of tissues inside the glove compartment? Did Mike have a body camera on, or did his police car have a dashboard one?
Briaar-Rose chapter 11 . 9/23
Super awesome
twilightnaley19 chapter 11 . 9/18
Cant wait to see what happens next.
biblepam chapter 11 . 9/18
sounds as if the Killer, Bella, and Edward are in dance with one another,, circling and closing in on eacn other.
dowlingnana chapter 11 . 9/16
Oh great suspense, but I have a feeling guards at Mike's hospital room would be fruitless. JS. thanx ;o)
cctwilight chapter 11 . 9/14
Edward and Bella do need to stay together.
ilive2read chapter 11 . 9/14
I have no idea who the killer is and it is driving me crazy woman! Hope all is well with you and that you are safe with all these storms. I am so worried every time I here them heading your way.
NoisyMind83 chapter 11 . 9/14
Love it and can’t wait for more!
valentinesgenie chapter 11 . 9/13
This is a really good story amazing work as usual until next time take care.
kmfroggi chapter 11 . 9/13
Great chapter!
Longing to Write chapter 11 . 9/13
Another great chapter, more questions and mystery.
Gracie Linae chapter 11 . 9/12
Great chapter
2brown-eyes chapter 11 . 9/11
It sounds like Mike got too close.
annaharding chapter 11 . 9/11
Oh, my! Poor Mike! And now matter how used to all this Bella is, it's got to be wearing on her to go through so much darkness right now.
And if B&E always needs to stay together, what happens when one of them has to go to the bathroom? Some moments just cannot be shared.
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