Reviews for Into the Wolf Pit
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18
she is acting like a real spoiled brat. (That's just my opinion.)
Nicoccia chapter 1 . 3/18
Okay, I'm just gonna say I read this whole story in one night about a week ago, so I'm sorry if the review now isn't totally detailed.

STILL. I honestly haven't so much as thought of KHR! in years, so randomly remembering it and trying to find good fics was... Trying. The manga/anime generally put more of a slap-stick swing on things, so it's hard to find a mature story. And I thank you for doing that.

Plus, I always respect writers who go AU and create their own plots within established narratives. It's not something I'm good at so I consider it a particular skill. And when you choose to write with Hibari as the focus, how can it NOT be a slow-burn? I think you're progressing things nearly perfectly. Don't change a thing.

Please do update, though, when you're motivated and able to. )
variavollerei chapter 12 . 11/17/2019
Idk if i've commented on this fic before but I just wanted to say that this is genuinely one of my favourite KHR/OC stories and I think about it a lot, I can't wait to see an update when it comes!
I didn'tdoityoucan'tproveit chapter 12 . 9/9/2019
I like this story usually I don't like stories with OC's because they feel like shameless self inserts on the author's part just putting a mary sue character in so that they can date their favorite character, but this doesn't feel like that and I like the realistic approach you took to the mafia.
CrimsonWolfanda chapter 12 . 8/16/2019
Hiya, so this is the second time I've picked up your story after a really stressful time in life- escaping mind exhausting law studies- so I want to thank you for having come up with this idea. I 100% understand that you probably have a crap ton of stuff to and can't update right now, that's totally fine, but really truly, thank you. This is an amazing story!
Marie Yoshina chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Hi, I just wanted to say that this is one of the few promising KHR fics I have read so far. I know and fully understand that you might be busy so I and the rest of the readers will be waiting here until your next update! :)
Guest chapter 12 . 4/27/2019
I have been following your story since you first published it and I have been enthralled by every chapter. I love how you have made the story your own. All the character interaction are wonderful to read. I hope you are doing well and have a chance to update when you can. I have been on the edge of my seat since this chapter came out.
Call Me Crooked chapter 12 . 3/25/2019
This story is wonderful. It’s so well written, the OC is interesting and complex, and I love the way the OC and her interactions with Kyouya are portrayed. I hope you’re able to update soon, but also no pressure because life doesn’t always make things easy! I look forward to the next update.
sallymadrigal605 chapter 12 . 2/25/2019
This tragic but a lovely read
Guest chapter 12 . 2/14/2019
I didn't expect that confession! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I was enjoying the scene where they were talking together because Rosetta did say that talking to Kyoya is super difficult. And then KYAAAAAAA! That was so in character for him I can't assddhdjjsjajakakssh

Byakuran is much more terrifying here. He's like a legit mafia boss' son. I wonder what will happen in the future arc? Are you going to continue this to the future arc? Because honestly this is a great fanfic with so many possibilities. I am constantly surprised by your choice of scenes and I just love this.

Update soon please.
Marie Yoshina chapter 12 . 2/12/2019
Devil'sBlade chapter 12 . 2/12/2019
OMG The cliffhanger! How dare you!
That aside, I can’t really say yet that this was too early or not because I have yet to see how you would deal with the varia arc but this could be in one of the parallel worlds, so I think it would be wise for you to put an AU warning (if you haven’t done it yet)
Soooo to the story,
1) Tsuna is growing up to puberty. Rosetta basically took her in as an infant or toddler and now he is in that phase where he would question every thing.
2) Byakuran is becoming clever and much too involved. I wonder how that would affect the TYLverse. Like we see a shrewd, cunning young boss who would show what he wants to show in the cannon. And here, perhaps it is not so byakuranish to immediately take a hostage, not when he knows the Vongola would interfere. At this time, they sre the most powerful mafia family.
3) Ryuusei is in for a surprise (or perhaps he predicted such reaction from Kyoya) that Kyoya genuinely cares for Rosetta at this point. It would be nice to see the one-hour-per-day rule in Kyoya’s point of view too.
Looking forward to your next chapter
PS: I am amazed at how you keep your updates every week. When I started law school, I strictly wrote oneshots, most of which are unpublished for being incomplete, and yeah life.
Aines445 chapter 12 . 2/11/2019
Me reading this chapter like:

Hana: "My boyfriend says he's nearby."

Me: "yo wtf since when did Ryohei and Hana hook up this early-"

Hana: "He's too good to be true!"


Needless to say the hype was real. I mean, Hana's a bit on the malleable side, too, and since Byakuran is on the adult side it seems plausible enough this could happen so I'm okay with it. A bunch of bullet points, though:

- I like the theme of this story. It's about how much the mafia sucks, and it works by bringing new characters who actually paint it more realistically. So, Rosetta thrives from this plot because it's also central to her character, and the theme is very consistent here, which is a good thing. I think story-wise Tsuna's involvement here is sort of to serve as an antithesis of what Rosetta knows: so while Rosetta was raised around the mafia and has adapted to its wrongs, Tsuna is seen having to struggle with and against them to emphasize on the point of the story. I think that in reviews I've normally been saying things like 'x character has this strange bit characterization-wise in the story, I wonder why', and to be honest, it's in the sense that knowing you know the source material well, I'm basically wondering what was the thought process behind certain facets of a character. Tsuna's another case because there's a sort of more despondent edge to him than even in the series, if only because Tsuna in KHR is always just screaming around and arguing with Reborn. Here, at least from what I can piece together, Tsuna is written like this because in reality, he doesn't have the power to stop the mafia from literally being the mafia;

- Byakuran, though. I mean, Byakuran is kind of like a huge pile of nothing even in-series? I'd comment about his personality for reference but I just remember he was a sly dude, and it's debatable how real his casual disposition is. There's definitely some kind of bitterness in this portrayal. I'm still on the pre-Byakuran fence about it? I found it curious you made it a Gesso trait to be treacherous in negotiation and I mean in the Future arc it checks in 100% but if anything the KHR track record has a lot of trickery with negotiations, hahaha. I think this idea with Byakuran making the first move can work out, and I really like the ending of this chapter with Hibari intervening so I think it'll go well, but to speak of what I expecting going into it I legit thought Rosetta would make the first move. With the build-up happening between Rosetta and Tsuna, I'm also wondering about how far the themes of morality will go.

- Rosetta trying to manage the committee was a fun part;

- One thing: didn't Shamal become the school nurse at some point in KHR?

- I think Hibari has a bit of a liking to her because she is a force contrary to his family's? This is me theorizing it, I think that's it? I like the way Rosetta sees Hibari, speaking of. There's actually some backing to the romance, and that's really important: the scene where Rosetta was talking about the bits she knew about Hibari is a scene that would genuinely work in basically any romance; I thought it was great. Hibari's kind of a log, though. Nothing you can do about that. How to be a Chuunibyou for Dummies is canonically the book he's reading when Tsuna sees him in the hospital.

Honestly, it's alright to take your time. In terms of planning out chapters, I usually have an idea of how the story will end and fill the gaps step by step, but otherwise I think knowing where an arc that's happening will end and plan around it is a safe choice. I tend to keep the plot points in my head and make planning if I fear I'll forget, but it's definitely not bad having a bullet list for chapters. It can only be a downside if there starts to appear hesitation in changing parts of the outline already done, but otherwise planning is good and great and can make foreshadowing happen better. Anyway, looking forward to the next chapters!
tenimyuohtori chapter 12 . 2/11/2019
Tsuna is always too optimistic, not everyone can be saved nor do they deserve to be saved
Byakuran may be a good guy later on but that’s only after he is killed after conquering multiple timelines, he is a psycho
So happy Rosetta hasn’t lost her hand yet thanks to kyoya
Looks like tsuna has to go and rescue his friends
Nea-Nyx chapter 12 . 2/11/2019
Please, I’m begging you dear author, have Kyoya’s father die in the most humiliating way possible and shatter his pride thoroughly. That man makes my blood burn with rage I’ve never felt before while reading fiction. I want Hibari Ryuusei and everything he stands for to die and burn in the deepest level of hell.
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