Reviews for Autumn's Bounty
Guest chapter 15 . 5/27
My god what happen to this story, Author plz don't leave us hanging we gone to far to stop now...
Guest chapter 11 . 3/8
Seconding less children and less OCs and more Mei and Yuzu! The first story in this series was successful because it was closer tied to the source material. This sequel has potential if it was just more on track to source material.
I’m dead tired of the children and especially every paragraph being about them! Losing interest because of it, though you are such a strong writer I’ll going to stick it out for now, wait and see how this starts to go.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/8
I love your work, recently read it all. I’m halfway through this chapter, and had to scroll down to review because you asked for our honesty. Please, enough of misbehaving kids getting scolded. Too much focus on that. It’s feeling Mary Sue/ Gary Stu-sequel. More Citrus character focus please, less kids. Especially rude kids getting scolded. I’m almost skimming when I see all the kids dominating at this point. Otherwise the nature of a long term relationship with our girls, Mei and Yuzu, and their best friends, cannon best friends, is amazing and engaging to read. Thank you for your time.
Yotsuba Tatsuya chapter 15 . 2/23
Damn I didn't notice that this story got updated just a few days ago. Really happy to see you still continuing this one. Hoping that your new job do you good.
Guest chapter 14 . 2/19
I feel like the focus of the story heavily drifted away from the perspective of the original 2 characters, there needs to be a lesser emphasis of the children and more from the POV of Mei and Yuzu, and no, I don't mean sex.
1crazydame chapter 15 . 12/1/2019
Come back soon! You'll be missed! xoxo
Mortisvenom chapter 15 . 11/19/2019
I understand. Things can get difficult in life, and if you lose you motivation for something, even temporary, it I'd good for you to take a break and come back with a fresh perspective on it. You may come back even better. So take your time. I know I can wait. Until next next time.
1crazydame chapter 14 . 11/11/2019
Wholesome, cuteness, sooo sweet! And that's just the tip of the iceberg with this chapter! I laughed out loud when the Hideki was telling Airi to let their parents sleep. I can imagine his face trying to be tactful for a minor lmao! And you tortured us with some subtle smut! So cruel! Can't wait for the next installment!
1crazydame chapter 13 . 10/29/2019
Master of wholesome! Another adorable chapter, and a foodie one! I'm a whore for foodie stuff lol. And big bro is baaaaaack! "Heart emoji." Can't wait for the next installment!
1crazydame chapter 12 . 10/8/2019
Omgsh! The cuteness is off the charts! I love the family wholesomeness in this chapter. Sigh...reading this was good soul food. Looking so forward to the next one.
Yuzu and Mei chapter 11 . 6/14/2019
Where can I submit fan art for the chapters?
Jamandbutter chapter 11 . 5/28/2019
Can't wait to see how you write the next chapter, I hope it's as good as this one was and hopefully things start looking up for both Mei and Yuzu. :D
One punch man fanboy chapter 11 . 5/28/2019
great chapter.
ShadowPena9 chapter 11 . 5/26/2019
cant wait to read the next chapter. it getting really intresting. hope things get better for both.:)
Yuri bait chapter 10 . 4/22/2019
I love all the emotions and how they deal with them. I love little Airi, but I’m fine with a time skip
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