Reviews for Coming Home
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21
I'm so glad you posted again and I'm hoping your doing better. Please post again soon. It's too good too leave us hanging
Mehitt5 chapter 1 . 7/21
Can’t wait for another chapter!
sbabe chapter 7 . 7/20
So glad to see the update. It was excellent!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/17
It's so great. I hope you update soon
Vilaine chapter 7 . 7/16
I really enjoyed this chapter. Seeing Ranger come to grips with his love for Stella was satisfying and heart-warming. When Ranger says that he is afraid of "pissing [Julie] off even more," what he really means is that he is afraid she will reject him again, and it will hurt like hell. I can't wait to see how Julie responds to Ranger and Stella. Good job!
guest chapter 7 . 7/11
soooooo happy steph seems to be back on track! i love ranger and stella, and katie is such an amazing part of their lives. and it's great to see ranger's family in this so much too. please update again soon!
thebeautifulnuissance chapter 7 . 7/13
AHHHHH! So great!
Dont leave me hanging there!
Please please please - continue sooooon!
Westvanisle chapter 7 . 7/10
Thank you so much for posting again. I love your writing, and the relationship between Stella & Ranger is developing so beautifully in this story. One little girl has turned him from a stoic workaholic to an adoring father by showing him unconditional love, perhaps for the first time in his life.
As much as I look forward to new chapters your health comes first. Please take care of yourself, we will wait for you.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
Welcome back! Another great chapter from an amazing author. Don’t feel bad about the delay, I love this story and will appreciate it (and all your works) whenever you can update it.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
Wonderful chapter
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
Grandma knows best
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
You’re a very good writer. Don’t doubt your skills. I am enjoying this story. Thank you!
chicki'62 chapter 7 . 7/10
great to read a new chap of this!
and such a profound, powerful, emotional one
worth the wait,
Bonnie chapter 7 . 7/10
Yay! New chapter. Love this story!

Oh my gosh. Poor Steph!
Thank goodness the meds and talks are helping.
Maybe they will end up living in Miami.
It was sure nice hearing that Steph is feeling better.
I hope everything with Julie goes well also!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/10
You pack a lot of emotions in a chapter and I felt everyone of them. Thank you for the update. The chapter ending with Ranger about to meet Julie, and later Stephanie, makes me want to read the next chapter asap. I wish you good health and inspiration to write again when you're feeling up to it. All the best.
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