Reviews for Still Waters
thesilverhyena chapter 24 . 4/26
Dude... this chapter was FUCKING EPIC! I loved it, I loved it so much... plot... now-now what is that again? lol
hellfire45 chapter 24 . 4/25
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and the sex was good but damn that bit at the end with the kiss actually made me tear up a bit
RKF22 chapter 24 . 4/25
Lord love the fluff and romance can't wait for more
BOOdalinski chapter 24 . 4/25
I haven't even read the chapter yet, but I know it's going to make my day.
thesilverhyena chapter 23 . 4/7
Oh my gosh... GET HBO on the phone right now, I want to SEE this on the big screen! Honestly, this was so hot and intense... WOW... you've got some serious talent for writing, this was just incredible... LOVE IT!
Detective Work chapter 23 . 4/7
As always, your writing is fantastic. God bless realistic smut.

Be safe! I'm excited for more.
thesilverhyena chapter 22 . 4/5
Eh, I don't care if it was fan service. This chapter was FUCKING AWESOME! Jason, you magnificent beast. I could imagine this chapter like watching a movie it was that stunning. Whoo... I need to catch my breath.
RKF22 chapter 23 . 4/3
Wow that is I love you anyway awesome work can't wait for Jason to let her see his face can't wait for more
hellfire45 chapter 23 . 4/3
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and the sex scene was great
RKF22 chapter 22 . 3/30
hellfire45 chapter 22 . 3/29
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and it is awesome to see them back together and what it will be interesting to see if they go back for the truck
Lamentha chapter 21 . 3/27
*Insert girlish shrieks of excitement* I was so thrilled to see your newest chapter! I’m the one who posted about your fic on FB and thought to sign in this time so I can follow you.
I sometimes skim over the clumsier parts of fics I like, we’re not getting paid here, it can’t all be gold. I didn’t need to skim over anything in this chapter! Your dialogue was tight, well paced, and true to the characters. And OMG, she bought condoms! So excited! I knew that since she’s a nurse and you really think through the story line and characters, that protection would likely come up.
Also, and I know this sounds horrible, I was relieved that the mother had already died. I didn’t want Jason to waste away as she took care of business! More delicious hurt/comfort for everybody! *rolls around in the revelry.*
Come home, Lassie! Come home!
hellfire45 chapter 21 . 3/26
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and how Jason will react to her coming back to him
RKF22 chapter 21 . 3/26
hellfire45 chapter 20 . 3/26
Good chapter and it is fantastic that they are really showing how they feel
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