Reviews for Of the Stolen
silhouette amongst stars chapter 38 . 4/11
That's a shame, but good luck for the future. Godspeed, my friend.
Atlas FF chapter 38 . 4/10
So sad to see that you're ending this amazing journey here, but I just want you to know that it was thrilling from start to forced finish. Character development and interactions were amazing and I loved each character with a passion. I'm sorry that this is where you must end your journey with it. Best of luck to you on your original works.

- Atlas
SKdaGamer chapter 38 . 4/10
Aww man, I'm really sorry to hear you've lost motivation to write this story. Thanks for the great read anyway man; this is one of my favourite stories and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Sad to hear its come to an end this way, and I would've liked to see the climax written in full, but it is entirely your decision and if you're not up to writing it, that's all fine by me.

Good luck for whatever you write in the future, and I'm looking forward to it. You're a talented writer, and out of all of this I'm glad to hear you're still gonna be writing.

Stay safe and best wishes for what's next in not only writing, but life. Cya around!
SKdaGamer chapter 36 . 12/27/2019
Oh damn... there's a lot in this chapter. The guardians have some really twisted plans and you can tell how far gone they are and that they can't really be persuaded out of it easily. It's also friggin messed up. Just using Wren to create eggs, and then Roland to grow them quickly? Heck, that's ridiculous. Actually made me hate the guardians even more lol, so great job of getting me to legit hate a character. Feel bad for Wren though; he was legitimately sorry.

I'm also shocked that Roland actually went and killed Brenton, although at the same time I'm kinda not. It was an act of defence to get himself out of that situation, and those guardians are friggin messed up so Roland kinda has a reason to want them all dead. Still, the poor kid has now killed yet ANOTHER dragon, and this time he'd actually wanted to. No wonder why he's terrified. Like Garv, this thing's gonna stick with him for a long while, and I kinda feel bad for him. I feel like he's gonna hit some sort of really heavy meltdown session later on in the story because I don't know how someone his age is going to be able to cope with killing two people.

Aaaaaand HARPER. Friggin Harper. I don't know why I didn't expect him to return; I should've seen it coming lol. But oh well, it was good to see him again, and ESPECIALLY good to see him sober, and having thought about what he had done, was remorseful, and came back to APOLOGISE. It was really nice to see him this way, and wanting to make things better. Understandably, everyone is sceptical of him, but at least he's trying to make things better. I feel like he got killed off a bit too soon with the way his heart was impaled on the earth missile, but it was good to see Tris finally crack. Seeing a different side of her was pretty interesting, and understandably, now she's even more scared because she let out a FURY of all things, not just a simple lightning beam, and even killed someone else.

One thing I've taken away from this chapter? Your strength is character emotions. You write them amazingly well. It's engaging and interesting to read, and it's pretty realistic. These kids have gone through some pretty traumatic events so I'm not surprised they're all suffering emotionally like this. Lots of people tend to do bad things to a character and it doesn't have much of an effect on them, only the initial one. Stuff like this? It'll stick with them for years, if not forever, and you're already doing this with how Tristana can't use her element for fear of hurting someone (which she finally did and KILLED someone), just for an example.

Amazing chapter. Easily my favourite one. Keep it up, and see you around!
SKdaGamer chapter 35 . 12/17/2019
Ok, this chapter was really nice! I loved that Myrtle and Tris organised this helmet thing for Roland. Such a great thing for friends to do, and Roland feels like he should do something to pay them back for it. Love how humble and loving he is. Myrtle and Tris are right tho in that Roland's already done enough with how he's helped them out. He's sacrificed a lot to get them out of their own low moments, so I reckon it was good to see him finally get some recognition for it and get the helmet. Also the design of the helmet's pretty cool as well since it can expand when he grows bigger.

Then Tris has another anxiety attack with respects to her element, and just as I figured, it was because of that night with Harper. It must be rough knowing that your element can be just as dangerous as it is helpful, especially since she had to use it on someone she saw as her father. Seeing her father attack her friend like that couldn't have made it any easier on her either; not surprised she has anxiety attacks from it. Really hope she recovers from this.

Also they got friggin found out! Now they all gotta get out of there, and I don't think we'll see a lot of Wren anymore coz I can't see him as someone to go after the kids when they leave. Bit sad to know that all this has been for naught. Roland still doesn't know anything more than the basics of his element really. He's still got a lot to learn before he can try and rescue Drevon. Hopefully he hits some real progress with it soon.

Anyway, great chapter. Loving best fic as always! Can't wait for the next one.
Fredrik the astral dragon chapter 11 . 11/27/2019
So far, i don't really know what to say. I am happy that one of my all time favorite stories is getting a rewrite. But there is a lot of mixed feelings. Roland and Ashlyn feels so different and i am not sure if i even like the other characters at all. This story feels more like a completely new story with the same character. That's probably the rewrite part, it just feels so strange. The characters i loved so much in Dragon's ruin is just so different. I will continue to read the story but for noe i have mixed feelings.
SKdaGamer chapter 31 . 11/7/2019
I like this chapter a lot. It's nice that Ash is trying to find a job and I'm also interested to see what Myrtle and Tris ended up during in the time when Roland was practising. That was interesting though to see him have such a violent reaction the spirit gem, but I'm not surprised coz it was quite potent.

The whole thing with Tris' little panic attack is a little concerning though. This is like the second time it's happened and I think both times have been when she's tried to use her element. I'm wondering if using her element is causing trauma to pop up or something. From what though is the real question.

The only thing I'd say is that there were a few line breaks in this chapter, making four different sections in it. I mean, it's 7K words so it's not insanely jumpy, but it does get a bit jumpy because each one would be about 1-2K words, so we're set in one time-frame and then we move to another just as we get used to it. I probably would've tried to expand them a bit more. This is the first 'negative' I've found, although it's not too impactful to how the story reads. I definitely would've made it a lot less jumpy though; I usually try to do two or three different time slots (one or two line breaks) in one chapter, just because for four of them to work and have enough in them, you'd really need a 12K chapter, which is getting to be on the very long side of things and probably my limit for a chapter. There are cases when a tiny little section would work, like if someone's been hit very hard and they're going in and out of heavy unconsciousness, then you could get away with it.

Putting that aside, it was a great chapter and I loved it. Keep up the great work!
SKdaGamer chapter 29 . 10/26/2019
Finally up to date and I'm actually so shocked that I had this sitting on my reading list since you published it but never read it. It's amazing. The characters are great, the plot is amazing, and you capture the emotions VERY well. Harper's decline in mental state is a perfect example of this; he was so kind and accepting when he first approached Roland but after the explosion he became hard, angry, and it got worse and worse until he pulled his gun on Roland and the other dragons. Ashlyn's guilt after killing Carolin was pretty good too; you could tell even when she did it that she didn't want to do it. Her story was really well thought out and it was engaging. I loved it. The best character though is Fluffy. A dreadwing, just out of nowhere, getting attached to a dragon. It's interesting and pretty cute, and I will honestly say I got pretty attached to Fluffy too.

The lore you have created is engaging and expansive. Taking place a long time after Spyro's death, you've taken a lot of thought into all the different plot elements and I love it. The whole Final Five thing is really cool and I'm interested to see how it'll all turn out. All the characters have some really detailed backstories and I'm loving it.

The inclusion of a time dragon is pretty cool too; they're not seen often in most fanfics. I will say that I thought Roland was going to be a fear dragon because he wasn't affected by the dreadwings' screams, but I'm not complaining at him being a time dragon; it's probably more interesting. It does make me wonder though why Roland wasn't affected. Does he have some sort of immunity to it or can the dreadwings actually choose who gets affected by their screams?

Your twists have been really interesting too, and executed a lot better than most other people do, including me. Ashlyn came across as so friendly and then to see her kill Carolin like that was very shocking, followed up by the revelation that she was being forced to do it by her own father. Harper's little gunplay there was a bit of a twist too in my opinion; I knew he was unstable but I didn't think he would snap like that on his companions (really shows what the explosion has done to his mind). Wren being a guardian wanting to help Roland and the gang was pretty cool as well, considering the other guardians would kill them on sight if they knew Roland was a time dragon. Not really a twist as such because you could see his discomfort around the other guardians, but still a bit unexpected. I just thought he was inattentive or socially awkward (which is a bit odd for a guardian looking back at it but oh well).

In all these 29 chapters I haven't found any important flaws. A few grammatical errors here and there but I haven't spotted anything major wrong with it. It's a great story and I can't wait to see what more you do with it. It's an amazing story, so keep up the damn good work. I've loved every chapter so far and I can't wait to see where you go next.
Atlas FF chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
I don't know how or why I put off reading this story for so long... Only to find out that it is a gem hidden among stones.

The characters are so well drafted and utilized that I can't find a single one that I didn't have some sort of emotional attachment to. Their interactions with each other left alot of laughs but also alot of scenes that made me want to cry. (You know what you did, Demi. XD)

The story is thrilling and filled with so much detail that I actually found myself learning how to improve upon my own writing. It has a unique perspective on the Legend of Spyro universe that few stories fail to capture.

And the execution of every little event played out perfectly, leaving little to no room for drop offs and they all helped develop alot of the main characters.

If I had to pick one character to emulate for some of my own characters that have yet to arrive, I'd probably pick Tris. Love your story, Demi! Already demanding more and more. Wish I could relive reading it again.

- Atlas
Guest chapter 28 . 10/10/2019
Looking like the finale is coming up considering the way they said that it was the point of no return which most of the time from games I play means we have reached the final chapter (or in this case final chapter's) I wonder what is going to happen in the next chapter.
Guest chapter 27 . 9/28/2019
Good to know Roland's got some kind of clue on what to do although I'm not sure Wren is to be trusted. Regardless that was a good chapter and looking forward to the next chapter.
Draco- the sword master chapter 23 . 8/16/2019
Your story is awesome.
White Winged Fox chapter 16 . 7/10/2019
What is going on at the end? Interesting twist coming up i'm betting.

I dunno why, but I kind of want to see more of the bond between Roland and Fluffy grow. I want to see more of them two of them together.

The scenery at the end and sicriptions of the sky was also nice, a little calm in amongst the chaos.

I don't think Drevon has done it, but we'll find out.

Lastly, other than a couple of unnecessary words it read good as usual. Keep it up :)
Loki chapter 16 . 6/4/2019
Roland getying drunk was the beat thing ever.
Riverstyxx chapter 13 . 4/27/2019
i rlly liek story, plz writ more

Okay seriously, this is a good fic and very enjoyable to read! If you are a random person looking through reviews wondering if you should read a fic, the answer here is yes! Read it! You will like it! The characters are fun, the drama is compelling, there's a tantalizing glimpse of adventure on the horizon, and we even got a bit of post-apocalyptic horror to kick off the plot. I dunno but I think that's pretty cool.

I especially like how all the characters are introduced; they all have strong and interesting personalities right off the bat, and it's easy to get attached to them (plz marry me, Myrtle). And even though this was a long set up for the main bulk of the story, it never felt like it dragged on - not to mention that the pay-off was great. Nothing like the apocalyptic destruction of an entire city to kickstart a story, lol.

Also I really like the lore that's been built up so far? The worldbuilding has been really good, fleshing out this version of the Dragon Realms without resorting to huge chunks of exposition, and the ideas are unique and interesting. I love the idea of elemental firearms, it really suits the more 'advanced tech' setting of the story (being set hundreds of years in the future) without disregarding the magic of the games. Also, dragons getting high on spirit gems. Why not.

I'm very excited to see where the story goes from here, but you know I'm a sucker for adventure. xD I'm invested in these characters and I want to know what's going to happen to them!

My criticisms are pretty minor, but I'll throw them here in case they help you in the future:

- I felt like Roland's backstory could have been cleaned up a bit and made clearer to help solidify his sympathy with Ashlyn. It was left pretty vague when it was introduced in the second chapter, and later we got some conflicting images of his father that don't really seem to match up. First he's described as having 'a soul that glimmered like diamond' and then later it's said that he was cruel, so there's a lot of disparity there.

- The characters get injured a lot, and not minorly either, but it rarely impacts the story in any way. Try not to do it too much, else we'll be desensitised to it in the future, which could dampen the impact of a serious injury that's actually meant to impact the plot.

- Occasionally there's continuity errors, like Roland somehow knowing that Ashlyn used to live in the 'monster house' even though she actually only said that she 'knows the guy' who lives there. (I think I mentioned this one before, but in case you've forgotten). I tend to flip back to old chapters when I need to write something that references a previous event, just to make sure I don't make a mistake lol. Maybe you could try that too.

Other than that, I'd really like the know more about Drevon's past and how he and Carolin ended up in the sewers (what happened to their parents?) so I hope that gets touched on in the future. xD

BUT ANYWAY, THANKS FOR A GOOD STORY, DEMI. c: I think it really shows what you can do when you've got a plan and you're not just writing on a whim. It's a lot more coherent than the original Dragon's Ruin, and it keeps up a good story without rushing the pacing or skipping important things like you did a bit with Little Violet. It's just good! And I really like it. More plz?
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