Reviews for Out of the Blue
Lyssdoodle chapter 213 . 7/25
AHHHH! Meeting the BIG DOGS! I can't wait to see Tatum's reaction to seeing the wrecking side. It's so amazing how this family just keeps on growing.
BanannaSammich chapter 213 . 7/25
Haha don't mind me, i was just being silly, not jabbing or anything. I'm weird like that lol.

Aw yay Olly! Such a cute and epic daddeh! ;3
chuckiboo chapter 213 . 7/25
Boy...bringing your new girlfriend home to meet the parents. This is gonna be interesting, when Oliver and Emery meet Tatum. And to see Turbo get a lesson in wrecking from Ralph, will be a sight to see. But this is just the calm before the storm, as the real stuff is brewing somewhere in Arcade. Is it gonna be more intense than in the other three stories? If so, I'd best prepare my eyes and mind for a throw around...
BanannaSammich chapter 212 . 7/25
OMG I was trying so hard to not to think about the human equivalent of "coding" and having it in your tea and threw up in my mouth a little. LOL.
chuckiboo chapter 212 . 7/23, CODE BLOCKING is what making Gunner go crazy and make bad decisions, pertaining to private life and with the band. Theo now knows how damaging it can be to a self-programmed gamer, but how will Gunner accept the remedy, especially coming from Turbo? Thia will be a strange conclusion to thia arc of the story. You have a very interesting mind, to write about this, Vyn. Good work.
BanannaSammich chapter 211 . 7/22
MARA! AUGH LITTLE BEEB I've been waiting so long to see her come to fruition! Oh goodness I relate too hard. Being the baby of the family can be such a lonely life. I was too young to remember what being able to hang out with my brothers was like and by the time I WAS able to remember, they were too old for me. D,:
Awesome Stories May Occur chapter 211 . 7/22
Hey Vyn,

I hope all everything is going well with you. I know with everything going on it can be very stressful. So I just wanted to show a little bit of positive energy to send your away.

I really enjoy the development of a lot of the characters. Turbo and Teddy in particular I know I'm really interested to see where Mara goes in terms of development.

Also, sorry if I haven't reviewed as much these days. With everything going on and get a little bit I know how you feel, if you work on a piece of art and you really put effort forth, you want people to respond back and when you don't get that it can be very disappointed, as if no one cares.I am still interested very much to see where the story goes.

Also, to be very interesting to see how you the 5th rolls out considering it's not going to go on the typical redemption Arc that we've seen from the last couple. I hope that you learn more about yourself, like you mentioned in your IG post. The police don't think you have to hurt yourself in an emotional sense for the sake of a story.

So, just wondering:
-can we leave request for anything before chapter 200 for the next sketch dump or are you only doing 200 to 250?sorry I didn't request too much on the last one. I saw how the one before that you were going to a physical injury, and emotionally you were going through a bit of turmoil , so I didn't want to ask too much, or feel disappointed if you just didn't have the energy or desire to draw certain requests.I would rather you be honest and not draw something, rather than for something out for the sake of fans. And I appreciate your honesty during these tough times. I understand you didn't have to do any of this, but you still do anyway

-Either Mara and Berri argument back I think like 50 chapters ago or the conversation she's having with Penny and Tessa in this chapter. It'll be nice to see her here drawn out as we haven't been to many sketches of her

-any chance you still might be doing performance sketches of the band playing on stage? I know that that wasn't in the last 20 or so chapters, just asking

If I can think of any more, I'll DM you. I hope you and Corey are getting through this pandemic okay. I hope you guys are able to depend on each other and stay positive.

I hope that this have you was able to lift your energy and you have a great day.

Lyssdoodle chapter 211 . 7/21
This is a test to see if my reviews show up. They haven't been working right on my end for some reason. But I think I fixed it *nervous laugh*. Anyways hope you are doing well. Also are Wren and Throttle gonna possibly make da babieeesss?
BanannaSammich chapter 210 . 7/20
Daw, only the cutest of brother moments.

Its curious to think if like Gunner's coding might actually be slightly damaged or corrupted because of code blocking. Would it be possible to reset the dill-holery out of him? XD
Guest chapter 210 . 7/18
Awwwww! Turbo and Theo's relationship is becoming so amazing. It's awesome to see Turbo's development into coming one with the family. And I'm personally one for sappy moments. So can't wait for more! Hope you're doing well Tessa!
faolan1230 chapter 210 . 7/19
OH USER POOR BABYYYYYYY I almost cried because the teddy bear was in painnnnnn agh i dont think Tatum will take it bad if he tells her what happened right cuz jeez poor Teddy x.X
BanannaSammich chapter 209 . 7/15
Nuuuuu Teddy!
This is a really interesting twist that really makes you think. I'm curious if the unfathomable anger is only prone to wreckers. Teddy talk to Ralph! He must know a thing or two about the situtation! Poor guy...I'm super interested to see if this throws a huge wrench into Theo and Tatum's emotional relationship. Is he gonna start stuffing his feelings from her? Is she gonna live in blissful ignorance? Is it gonna boil over and mess so many things? :O

fantastic as always, Vyn. -
ArchitectDreams chapter 208 . 7/13
Hello Vyn,

Its me Dreams again I have enjoyed your story and your creativity for the longest time. It has kept me sane and away from offing my self for a long time. I just don't know what to say to you, its been years since my last review of your stories, shame I didn't keep up nor do I have the time to now TwT.

I am struggling but I'm barely hanging in there, you will always be my favorite author who takes more interest and attention to the story and to its audience. I wish I could meet you in person but that will never happen. I just can't bring to mind how much I enjoyed your story in the darkest moments of my life. It really pulled me through at times.

Reading your stories and your comments on my reviews have done wonders, i cant appreciate it enough. I am a cashier doing my best to help other people thats my reason to be here on earth. I finally have a partner who i hope is the one. I have somewhat the same issues when it comes to love.
I wish I could once again have the energy and creativity to write again but thats in the past.

Thanks again for what you done for me.
faolan1230 chapter 208 . 7/12
Oh nooooo i hope no one gets hurt from him tryna code block ahhh this went from cute and fluffy to dangerous XO
BanannaSammich chapter 208 . 7/12
We've already had our chat. Just keep chugging along and doing what you feel is right, Vyn. ;) You're doing a wonderful job.

OoOoooOo Teddyyyy! Such a smooth talker! w These two are so cute!
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