Reviews for Soulmarks
Didi chapter 1 . 11/29/2018
Not gonna lie. I saw the title and clicked it. I have a story called “Soulmark” (it’s not on here) and I’m like, “OOOH! What’s THIS?” And I read it and it’s fabulously written! Good job all around! There were a few spelling mishaps but it was other wise SPOTLESS! I really do like how you created the imagery for each tattoo. It also made total sense for the to have the Argo II’s crew names. It just shows how close they are! Good job and keep writing!
Violet2971 chapter 1 . 11/29/2018
This was wonderful. The way it was written with how it fit into their demigod lives definitely made it a welcome change from other soulmate AUs. I love AUs, don't get me wrong. But this really wasn't what I expected when I read the summary.
Stormyskies89 chapter 1 . 11/29/2018
Loved it. Some punctuation mistakes but otherwise nothing I could spot. For a story with no dialogue whatsoever, it is great. Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
Omg so SWEET! I love soulmate fanfics, especially ones where they are half bloods. Any thoughts on expending this?:)
Kid-of-Percabeth chapter 1 . 11/28/2018
Awww. That was so cute! And as far as I know, an original take on the Soulmate au. I like it!